Tomorrow, 29 September is Michaelmas. Michaelmas also known as the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, has its roots in the 5th century. The feast originated with the dedication of a basilica near Rome in honour of Saint Michael the Archangel on September 30th. Over time, the date shifted to September 29th, which is now widely observed in Western Christian traditions.
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Angels Celebrated
While originally focused on Saint Michael, the feast has expanded to include other archangels:
- Saint Michael: The primary focus, known for defeating Satan in the war in heaven.
- Saint Gabriel: Included in some traditions.
- Saint Raphael: Celebrated alongside Michael and Gabriel in the Roman Catholic Church.
- Saint Uriel: Sometimes included in Lutheran and Anglican/Episcopalian traditions.
Traditional Observances
Michaelmas has been associated with various customs and traditions:
- Quarter Day: It was one of the four quarter days of the English and Irish financial, judicial, and academic year.
- Harvest Celebrations: Marked the end of major harvests in the British Isles. The Christian equivalent of Mabon.
- Business Transactions: A time for renewing contracts, paying wages, and conducting elections.
- Culinary Traditions:
- Floral Decorations: Using Asters (Michaelmas Daisies) to decorate churches and homes.
Religious Significance
Michaelmas carries deep spiritual meaning:
- Spiritual Warfare: Symbolises the eternal struggle between good and evil.
- Divine Protection: Saint Michael is seen as a protector and warrior angel.
- Angelic Presence: Celebrates the role of angels as intermediaries between the divine and human realms.

Modern-Day Michaelmas Celebrations and Rituals
For those interested in observing Michaelmas today, consider these suggestions:
- Attend a Church Service: Many cathedrals and churches hold special Michaelmas services, often featuring angelic music. (Optional and please disregard if you suffer from Religious Trauma Syndrome. The Angels are much older than our current version of monotheism and older than monotheism itself.)
- Host a Feast: Throw a party in honour of St Michael and all the angels! Prepare traditional foods like roast goose, ginger desserts, or blackberry pie.
- Decorate with Michaelmas Daisies: Use these flowers to adorn your home or create a centrepiece.
- Engage in Charitable Acts: Honour the protective nature of angels by helping those in need.
- Personal Reflection: Take time for introspection, focusing on courage and overcoming personal challenges.
- Angel-Themed Meditation: Conduct a meditation session focusing on angelic guidance and protection.
- Visit Sacred Sites: If possible, visit churches or locations dedicated to Saint Michael, such as Glastonbury Tor.
- Create Protective Charms: Craft items symbolising angelic protection, like simple amulets or artwork.
- Do a Tarot Reading: Use the Michaelmas Tarot spread below or try this Michaelmas Courage and Radiance Tarot Spread.
- Nature Walk: Take a walk in nature, reflecting on the changing seasons and the balance between light and darkness.
Michaelmas offers a unique opportunity to connect with ancient traditions while finding modern relevance in themes of protection, courage, and spiritual growth. Whether observed religiously or secularly, this feast day can provide a meaningful pause for reflection as autumn begins.
Archangel Michael Correspondences
The correspondences below can be used in various practices such as meditation, prayer, rituals, or creating an altar to connect with Archangel Michael. Remember that you do not need to leave offerings when working with/invoking angels. However, always show respect and approach these divine spirits with humility and an open heart. As with all spirits, it is best to build a relationship with them before requesting favours.
- Planetary Correspondence: The Sun
- Tarot Arcanum: The Sun
- Day of the Week: Sunday
- Sephira: Tiphareth
- Chakras: Heart and Crown
- Gold
- Blue
- White
- Sunflowers
- Yellow blooms
- Chamomile
- Ginger
- Mistletoe
- Heliotrope
- Laurel
- Pineapple
- Vanilla
- Saffron
- Cinnamon
Incense/Essential Oils:
- Frankincense
Zodiac sign:
- Leo
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sodalite
- Sugilite
- Clear Quartz
- Obsidian
- Sardonyx
- Sunstone
- Citrine
- Diamond
- Pyrite
- Tiger’s eye
- Amber
Other associations:
- Sword and shield
- Armor
- Banners
- Fire element
- Number 6
- Fourth Heaven (Machen)
- Sunday (ruling day)
- Gold (metal)
- Lion
- Tiger
- Panther
- Leopard
- Falcon
- Domestic cats
- Bird of paradise
Reasons to invoke Archangel Michael:
- Protection: Michael is known as the ‘Defender of God’ and is often invoked for protection against negative energies, entities, or threats.
- Courage: As the leader of God’s armies, Michael inspires courage and strength in those who seek his assistance.
- Guidance: Michael can provide guidance and clarity on life’s path, helping individuals overcome obstacles and make important decisions.
- Healing: Michael is believed to have healing powers, particularly for physical and emotional wounds.
- Cutting Ties: He is often invoked to cut ties with negative people, situations, or energies.
- Conflict Resolution: Michael can help to resolve conflicts peacefully and bring about harmony.
- Spiritual Growth: Michael can assist individuals in their spiritual growth and development.
Invocation to Archangel Michael
Blessed Archangel Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host, Regent of the Sun,
Thank you for your protection. Please bless and illuminate my mind today and always so that I can remain in service to the Truth. I also invoke your assistance for/with ________________.
Amen and So it is!
St Michael and All Angels Michaelmas Tarot Spread
You can do the Michaelmas Tarot Spread below as a general reading or with a more specific question in mind. Light a candle and say a prayer using the invocation above or simply speak to Archangel Michael from your heart.

- The Foundation: Represents your current situation and the foundation upon which you are building.
- The Challenge: Indicates the obstacles or challenges you may face during this time.
- Archangel Michael’s Protection: Symbolises the divine protection and guidance offered by Archangel Michael.
- The Path Forward: Reveals the direction you should take to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
- The Outcome: Shows the potential outcome of your journey if you follow Archangel Michael’s guidance.
Additional Considerations:
- Reversed Cards: If you are using reversals, reversed cards may indicate areas where you need to pay extra attention or make adjustments.
- Court Cards: Court cards can represent people or situations that will play a significant role in your journey.
- Major Arcana: Major Arcana cards often signify significant life events or transformations.
Sample St Michael and All Angels Michaelmas Tarot Reading

- The Foundation (8 of Wands): This card suggests a sense of forward momentum and progress. You may be feeling energised and excited about your current path and any new projects/ventures you are working on. However, it’s important to maintain balance and avoid rushing ahead too quickly.
- The Challenge (Page of Cups): This card represents new emotions and experiences coming your way. You may be feeling vulnerable or uncertain, but it’s important to trust your intuition and embrace these feelings. Allow your soul to catch up with your mind.
- Archangel Michael’s Protection (7 of Swords): This card indicates a need for caution and strategic thinking. You may be facing challenges or obstacles that require careful planning and manoeuvring. Archangel Michael’s protection will be invaluable in guiding you through these times. He will also protect you against trickster spirits and people who are trying to get one up on you.
- The Path Forward (The High Priestess): This card suggests that the path forward lies in trusting your intuition and inner wisdom. You may need to delve deeper into your subconscious mind to gain clarity and understanding. Put a daily meditation practice into place if you haven’t already.
- The Outcome (Queen of Swords): This card represents strength, independence, and clarity. If you follow the guidance of Archangel Michael and trust your intuition, you will emerge from this period with clarity and a renewed sense of purpose and self-confidence.
Overall Interpretation:
This spread suggests that you are on a path of progress and growth, but there may be some challenges and uncertainties ahead. Archangel Michael’s protection will be crucial in guiding you through these times. By trusting your intuition and embracing your emotions, you can overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger and more confident.
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