Today is a very special day numerologically speaking, it’s an 8 day (1+7=8) in an 8 month (August), in an 8 year (2+0+1+5=8). This 888 forms a magic gateway to great empowerment in terms of spiritual fulfilment, breaking free from negative old habits, manifesting abundance, unleashing your creative power and more.
As some of you will have realised straight away, the same goes for two other dates in August this year, i.e. 8/8/2015 and 26/8/2015. In other words, THREE chances to harness this amazing energy!
But you can use this spread any day of the year, in any year but if you choose to use it with an 888 portal or a Lion’s Gate Portal, it will be extra powerful.
Number 8 Correspondences
The presiding Archangel is Azrael. Azrael rules Pluto, Scorpio and the 8th House in the Zodiac.
The corresponding Tarot cards are VIII Strength, the Scorpio XIII Death card and XX Judgement (Pluto). You may also choose to work with any of the four Minor Arcana eights or any card that resonates with a goal you wish to achieve.
Pluto co-rules the second chakra with the Moon so our most intimate relationships play an important role when manifesting under this vibration. Hence the strong relationship focus in the Tarot spread below.
Eight magical empowerments to choose from:
- More creative flow
- Greater abundance
- Trusting your gut
- Greater self-expression
- Breaking free from any stagnant or limiting situation
- Greater alignment with your Life Purpose
- Perseverance to successfully complete a demanding project
- More charisma
You will be more successful in manifesting your goal if you pick just one to focus on today. The Tarot spread below was created to help you achieve your goal and also to let you know if that is truly the best goal for you to focus on right now…
The 888 Magic Tarot Spread
Place a card that represents what you wish to manifest through the triple 8 gateway in position number 8. This card is not to be chosen randomly but face up, with an image/symbolic representation that is as close a match as possible to what you wish for.
If you wish to take this to the next level, you may also wish to choose a corresponding coloured candle + essential oil for dressing the candle. Feel free to ask if you are not sure which colour/incense to choose.
I recommend casting a circle of protection if you do choose to do this as a spell. A simple way to do so is to turn to each cardinal point, starting in the East and invoking the assistance of Archangel Raphael, Michael (South), Gabriel (West) and Uriel (North). Opening the circle you move anti-clockwise from the North and thank each guardian in turn, beginning with Uriel.
Ideally, you should work with a deck that you use exclusively for manifestation. That way you can leave the card out on your altar (or somewhere safe where you can view it often) until your goal has been achieved.
1. Guardian Angel Guidance
What your Guardian Angel has to say on the matter. You can choose an Angel Oracle card for this position if you prefer. If you work with the Tarot and what you perceive as a ‘negative’ card shows up here, now may not be the best time to focus on this particular goal. Simply adjust by choosing a different goal.
2. Relationship
How your current close relationship helps or hinders your progress toward this goal.
3. Talent
A gift, skill or talent to capitalise on to help you achieve your goal.
4. Foundation
The foundation for a future where having achieved your goal is a reality. If no solid, promising card shows here, pull another card for how to adjust and start building a more solid foundation. Alternatively, you can start the reading over, focusing on a different goal.
5. Clear this from your relationship
Something to clear from your relationships that would otherwise hinder you.
6. Add this to your relationship
Something to add in your relating/intimate relationship(s) to help achieve your goal.
7. Past lesson
Something in your past that you have learned. This lesson can be put to good use to help you level up.
8. Your 888 goal
I hope you enjoy trying this spread today. Let me know if you have any questions. As usual, I’m more than happy to help out with the odd card you may be struggling with but won’t be able to interpret full spreads. If you do need help, please give me what you’ve got so far and a precise description of why you feel stuck on a particular card or combo.
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Welcome back Lisa! Your pictures on IG of your trip were beautiful! Did this spread and got great cards that gave me a thumbs up. Magician in position 1 to me was a big push from the angels that I’m ready and they’re happy to provide divine guidance. I was stumped by a couple of other cards but thought it through and it shed light new on what I need to address to reach it. Thanks for the spread!
Thank you, Susan. Well done for working through the cards that had you stumped and yes, definite thumbs up with the Magician! 🙂 Blessings
I always enjoy your spreads and this one is no exception. The specificity to a manifested goal is lovely. Many thanks!
Thanks Jan! Blessings
Thank you, Lisa! I’ll try out this spread later today <3
You’re welcome, Nefer… Enjoy! <3
Oh! This spell was interesting…are spells just communication with angels or an actual power altering thing?
I didn’t know you can manifest with Tarot cards!
I have the Angel Oracle by Doreen and it’s fantastic! But do you happen to have any tips or articles or other spreads about tarot angel manifesting? I’m interested to learn! 🙂
Also, if 17,8,2015 is all 8,8,8
Then would 26,8,2015 be also 8,8,8?
Would this magical magik work?
Many good energy to you!!
I suggest you try it for yourself to find out if it is a power-altering thing. I personally wouldn’t want to take another person’s word for it, so I don’t want you to take my word for it either. In my own experience, Angel Magick works and that is why I teach it here. Probably right HERE is the best place to hang out if you want to learn more. If you check out the article about Angelic Tarot from a couple of week’s ago, you’ll find a sign-up form for an upcoming eCourse that I hope to put together in the next few weeks. And yes, those other numbers also give us a triple 8 number to work with for the same purpose – well spotted! 🙂 Blessings
this is wonderful Lisa <3 thank you so much
My pleasure, San!
Hi Lisa,
I have a couple quick questions for position #2 and #4 cards: For #2, could the close relationship be romantic or otherwise (if we don’t have a significant other)? Such as a child? And for #4: if the card isn’t solid/promising and we switch goals, is it advisable to redo the spread for the new goal? Thank you for this!
It doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. And yes, I would redo the spread with a new goal. Blessings
Many thanks!