Aquarius new moon tarot spread

Aquarius New Moon Tarot Spread

Aquarius new moon tarot spread

We are on the cusp of the Aquarius New Moon, occurring on February 9, 2024. This post is dedicated to helping you harness the power of this lunation, with a tailor-made Aquarius New Moon Tarot Spread to guide your journey.

CLICK HERE for a 2025 New Moon in Aquarius update + brand new Tarot spread!

During the Waning and Dark Moon phase leading up to February 9, take a moment to slow down, gather your thoughts, and connect with your intentions. Then, as the New Moon rises in Aquarius, be ready to make your move with confidence! The innovative and forward-thinking vibe of Aquarius is all about making strides without being bogged down by minutiae. With this New Moon, if you’ve been wavering at life’s crossroads, expect a sudden clarity to emerge, illuminating the path that lies ahead with the cool, bright light of an Aquarian vision.

Embrace Change and Innovation!

The Aquarian energy we’re tapping into for the New Moon on February 9, 2024, is above all, a herald of the new and unexplored. It is unpredictable, deeply creative, and sometimes perceived as eccentric—yet it always has an eye on the collective welfare, the hallmark of the most philanthropic among the Zodiac’s 12 signs. The Tarot sees this in the Star card—a symbol we need more than ever as we edge into the Aquarian Age. This energy helps us recognise our interconnectivity, and how the well-being of one affects the well-being of all.

“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” Mark 2:22

The custom Tarot spread presented here is designed specifically for the New Moon in Aquarius. It can align your spirit with the revolutionary and inventive spark of the Water Bearer. Pay extra attention if The Star—the card of Aquarius, or The Fool—representing Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, graces your reading!

Aquarius New Moon Tarot Spread

Aquarius New Moon Tarot Spread
  1. Unconventional/Innovative aspect of self that needs to be brought to the fore now
  2. How Spirit wants me to move forward in the world in a more authentic way once I embody this aspect, for the Highest Good of All
  3. Air – How the mind blocks me from using this aspect for the Highest Good of All
  4. Water – How this aspect can help improve my relationships
  5. Earth – How this aspect can help me become a better steward of my talents and resources
  6. Fire  – How I can inspire others by fully owning this aspect

Sample Reading with the Mystical Tarot of Saints Tarot

The Mystical Tarot of the Saints
  1. An unconventional aspect of the self that this lunation is highlighting. The Page of Staffs. My creativity and childlike enthusiasm for all things spiritual occult and metaphysical.
  2. How to move forward once I embody this aspect. Knight of Swords. Swiftly, confidently and with clear lines of communication, mindful of the fact that being kind is more important than being right.
  3. Air – How the mind blocks me from using this aspect. 3 of Swords. The ego mind loves to lay traps of negative thinking. It is easy to imagine that nobody loves me or what I do.
  4. Water – How this aspect can help improve my relationships. Queen of Swords. I can nurture people with my knowledge through my writing.
  5. Earth – How to become better steward of my talents and resources. Ace of Chalices. I can do everything with more kindness and compassion.
  6. Fire  – How I can inspire others by doing all of the above. 5 of Cups. I can remind them of the two cups still standing. Hopefully, I can inspire them to return to a state of enjoying life once more.

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