Angelic Tarot Healing

Exploring the Power of Angelic Tarot Healing: A Comprehensive Guide

Angelic Tarot Healing

In today’s post, we are looking at what Angelic Tarot Healing is and how to use it in a combined Tarot reading and healing session. To do so, we first need to establish a baseline for the energetic qualities of the Tarot cards. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand how they can work together with energy healing. In this post, we are not distinguishing between different types of energy healing. I propose that it is possible to use Angelic Tarot (AT) with any energy healing modality, provided you are open to working with the angelic realm.

This post aims to provide clarity about the following topics that underpin our understanding of the angelic realm, tarot cards and energy healing:

The Energy Source of All That Is

The premise for doing energy healing utilising the Tarot archetypes is that the archetypes consist of energy. This energy, like Reiki and other types of healing energy, emanates from God/Creator/Source/Spirit or whatever you wish to call it. This Source is the cosmic intelligence behind all that is. It is an all-pervasive energy and without it, nothing exists.

In humanity, Spirit/Source is expressed in our form, our breath and our vitality levels. It is the very essence which animates us. When it leaves, the form gradually disintegrates because the form is dependent on the life-giving qualities of the Spirit. We can view ourselves as embodied spirits. We are like ‘spirit drops’ in the ocean of Spirit/The All.

Though we are not separate from Spirit, having a physical form means that we have a preinstalled filter that makes us forget who and what we are. Because of this, our spirit essence is split into three levels. You can look at these three levels as the three parts of a tree:

  • Subconscious – Roots
  • Everyday conscious awareness – Trunk
  • Superconscious – Leaves

The Subconscious

The subconscious mind refers to a part of our consciousness that operates below the level of conscious awareness. It is a reservoir of thoughts, memories, emotions, beliefs, and desires that influence our behaviour and perception of the world.

The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, actions, and habits, even though we may not always be aware of its influence. It is responsible for processing and storing information, as well as regulating automatic bodily functions.

This part of the mind is believed to hold the key to unlocking deep-seated patterns, beliefs, and experiences that may have been repressed or forgotten. By accessing and working with the subconscious, we can potentially gain insights, heal past traumas, and make positive changes in our lives.

Overall, the subconscious mind is a powerful and mysterious aspect of our consciousness that works behind the scenes, impacting our thoughts, emotions, and behaviour in significant ways.

Everyday Conscious Awareness

Everyday conscious awareness refers to the state of being conscious and aware of the present moment, where our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions are actively engaged with our immediate environment and experiences. It is the level of consciousness that is accessible and familiar to us in our daily lives.

During everyday conscious awareness, we can think, reason, make decisions, and interact with the world around us. Our attention is focused on the tasks and activities we are engaged in, and we are generally aware of our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings.

This level of consciousness allows us to navigate our daily routines, respond to external stimuli, and engage in social interactions. It is the part of our consciousness that enables us to function and interact with others in our waking state.

In contrast to the subconscious mind, which operates below the level of conscious awareness, everyday conscious awareness is typically more accessible and under our intentional control. It is the state of consciousness that we usually identify with as our “waking state” or “normal state of consciousness.”

The Superconscious

The superconscious, also known as the higher self or the divine self, refers to a state of expanded consciousness beyond our everyday awareness.

It is often described as the realm of infinite wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight. It is the source of deep spiritual experiences, profound understanding, and connection to higher realms of existence. In this state, we may perceive a sense of unity with all beings and a profound awareness of our interconnectedness with the Source.

The superconscious is believed to be the repository of all knowledge, past, present, and future. It is said to hold the wisdom and guidance that can assist individuals in their personal and spiritual growth, providing insights and inspiration for their life path.

Accessing the superconscious can be achieved through various practices such as meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and other spiritual disciplines. By quieting the mind and opening ourselves to higher levels of consciousness, we can cultivate a deeper connection with our superconscious and tap into its vast resources of wisdom and guidance.

Engaging with the superconscious realm can lead to profound spiritual transformation, expanded awareness, and a deeper understanding of one’s purpose and spiritual essence. It is a realm of limitless possibilities and boundless love, where individuals can experience union with the divine and discover their highest potential.

The Three Levels of the Tree

Just like a tree needs all three parts (roots, trunk and leaves) to be in harmony with each other to grow and flourish, a human needs all parts of their spirit to be in harmony. To put it simply we can say that we nourish the roots by doing deep emotional work like shadow work, engaging with archetypal patterns and dream interpretation. We nourish the trunk and make it strong by integrating all levels of learning and striving to be in harmony with the world around us. Finally, we nourish the leaves of our spirit mind by opening up to the light of the Divine while drawing deep on the nourishment from the roots.

The Major Arcana Archetypes of the Tarot

In Angelic Tarot Healing work, the Major Arcana is the focal point for the kind of energy healing or release we need to do. The Tarot Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that embody powerful archetypal energies, making them a valuable tool for personal and spiritual development. Each card represents a significant aspect of the human experience, as well as a stage on the journey toward individuation.

Working with the archetypal imagery of the Major Aracana facilitates self-reflection. For example, The Fool represents the innocent spirit in each of us, the adventure of life, taking risks, and stepping into the unknown. The Magician represents manifestation, willpower and the power to transform reality. The High Priestess embodies intuition, inner wisdom, and the mysteries of the subconscious. Rather than signifying physical death, (most of the time) the Tarot Death card represents transformation and letting go of the old to make way for the new. These archetypes serve as mirrors that reflect our experiences and provide valuable lessons for personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Working with the archetypes of the Tarot Major Arcana helps us delve deep into our psyche. The images reflect to us the hidden aspects of ourselves. Viewing ourselves through the lens of the Tarot helps us gain a broader understanding of the human condition. Through reflection, we can integrate these archetypal energies into our lives. In a Tarot reading, they can also reveal to us where and around which themes we have energy blockages. As well as corresponding to emotional themes and life lessons, each of the Major Arcana cards corresponds to human anatomy and physiology.

The Role of the Minors in Angelic Tarot Healing

While the main issues are addressed by the Major Arcana, the Minors provide context in an Angelic Tarot Healing reading. Context matters. To feel seen is why many people come for a Tarot reading (or any form of psychic reading, for that matter). Feeling seen is incredibly important in terms of the healing journey. Verifiable details about a person’s life that emerge in a reading via the Minor Arcana enable the person to feel seen and can also at times provide practical healing guidance.

The Tarot Minor Arcana consists of four suits – Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Each suit represents a different aspect of life and carries its own set of symbols, meanings, and energies.

The Cups suit is associated with emotions, relationships, and the realm of the heart. It represents love, intuition, creativity, and matters of the soul. The Pentacles suit is related to the material world, finances, practicality, and abundance. It signifies our connection to the physical realm and the importance of grounding and stability. The Swords suit represents the realm of the mind, thoughts, and communication. It symbolises intellect, challenges, conflicts, and the power of words. The Wands suit is connected to passion, creativity, inspiration, and personal power. It represents our desires, ambitions, and the energy to manifest our dreams.

While the Major Arcana cards carry significant archetypal energies and often represent major life lessons and spiritual growth, the Minor Arcana cards offer practical advice, insights, and suggestions to navigate everyday situations and challenges. Together, the Major and Minor Arcana create a comprehensive system that guides us on our journey of self-exploration, healing, and personal empowerment.

The Tarot and the Angels – What makes the Tarot ‘Angelic’?

I can’t prove the angelic origins of the Tarot any more than I can prove the existence of angels. However, we typically view angels as messengers of the Divine that exist to support our souls on our journey through life.

The Tarot has the same function. It relays messages from both the subconscious and superconscious mind that we can make sense of with our everyday awareness. If we use it to seek wisdom rather than trying to predict the future, the Tarot is indeed the very embodiment of the idea of an angel.

Furthermore, in occult and esoteric lore, each card has a planetary or zodiacal correspondence. These correspond in turn with one or more angels, depending on which system you work with.

In the system I currently work with, I combine influences from the Kabbalah and the Golden Dawn. If you are interested in the more angelic aspects of the Minor Arcana cards, I highly recommend checking out my posts about the 72 Shem Angels.

Q & A What About God?

Q: But what about God? If Angels are messengers of the Divine, don’t you have to believe in God?

A: Yes and no. You do not have to believe in God as some kind of anthropomorphic being who is sitting on a throne among the clouds. Nor do you need to believe in a patriarchal tribal deity who did away with the Goddess and was later repackaged to encompass the Source of All That Is.

You do need to believe in a power that is more elevated than the ego personality. But that is not difficult for most of us. We have all had encounters with this… ‘something more.’ Some refer to these encounters as ‘angelic.’

Q & A What About the Angels?

Q: If I don’t believe in a monotheistic patriarchal deity, why would I want to use the names of the angels used in those religious traditions?

A: The angels, being divine thought forms, don’t care what you call them. There is no need to use any names at all if that is your preference. However, names and labels are handy at the level of the trunk of the tree. So I tend to use the already established names as a shorthand. Also, many of those names predate the Judeo-Christian religious paradigm by thousands of years.

Q & A What About Prayer and Praying to the Angels?

Q: Isn’t it wrong to pray to the angels? Shouldn’t we address all our prayers to the Source?

A: It’s up to you to decide what is right for you. However, outside a religious thought paradigm, you can view prayer as a type of communication between the three different levels of the tree. You could then view Angelic prayers and invocations as direct lines for specific issues rather than as idolatry. When you work with the angels this way, you are aware of the Oneness of All That Is and would therefore not be fooled into worshipping thought forms.

How to Harness Source Energy for Angelic Tarot Healing Work

Angelic Tarot Healing work is not for everyone. It requires a certain level of maturity, especially if you want to start using it in a professional capacity. You will know when you are ready if you are honest when using current life circumstances as a mirror for where you are on your spiritual journey. If you cannot keep your shit together, how are you going to guide and facilitate healing for another? How will you hold space for them in a safe way?

The three minimum requirements for Angelic Tarot Healing work are:

  • A solid understanding of the Tarot archetypes and astrological correspondences
  • A well-established relationship with the angelic realm/angelic thought forms, their astrological correspondences and the ability to channel angelic energy
  • Advanced understanding of your own energy field (including psychic protection) and a good understanding of how to channel healing energy to others.

In previous chapters, we have developed an understanding of what Tarot, the Angelic Realm and Angelic Tarot are. It is up to you to develop a working, practical knowledge of these topics to move this understanding into the realm of experience so that true wisdom can emerge. There is no substitute for hands-on practice.

Energy Healing and Angelic Tarot Healing

To harness the healing energy of both the Tarot and the Angelic Realm, you need to learn to feel these energies in your body. You also need to understand what channelling pure source energy/Reiki is like. If you are already an energy healer, you won’t have any problem understanding the latter. However, you may have been taught to view the energy of the angels in terms of spirit guides that quietly help out when you do your healing. As for the Tarot, it is not likely that you have learned to channel the energy of the cards for healing as this is not commonly taught.

Tarot Healing

Learning how to use the Tarot for energy/vibrational healing is an intuitive process. However, you can find many helpful tools and resources here on the Angelorum Website. Below, you will find a list of some of them:

Healing with the Angels

The best thing you can do if you are drawn to rope the angels in for healing work is to work with them daily. Ask them to guide you and provide you with the wisdom and understanding you need to do this kind of work. One way of looking at this (other than ‘praying to the angels’) is that you are instructing the highest, most helpful divine thought forms to connect all the layers of your being so that you can hold space for others to do the same.

The Angelic Tarot Healing Session

While there is no set formula for exactly how to perform an Angelic Tarot Healing session, every session has a beginning, a middle and an end. In addition to your hands and a pack of Tarot cards, feel free to use whatever tools and instruments you know work for you.

The Beginning

The client tells the practitioner why they have come to see them. This includes physical symptoms, life circumstances, emotional, and spiritual struggles. Getting a good overview is important so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Then perform a seated energy scan of the client before you begin laying the cards out.

The Middle

Do the Angelic Tarot reading. I recommend using the Clarity Tarot Spread, at least as a starting point since you will always get a Major Arcana theme card that way, without having to use a massive spread. Remember, unless you are a medical professional, you won’t be diagnosing anything. You will refer to anything you detect in terms of energy imbalances.

Spend some time talking to your client to gauge their understanding of the main archetype you are working with. Try to get them to feel how it relates to their physical body and see if they can locate any potential blockage themselves. Encourage them to give the blockage a size, colour and shape.

Once you have clarity about what the client needs to shift, it is time for the energy-healing component. At this stage, you will invoke the angel associated with the Major Arcana card you are working with. This is the energy that is the most direct source of healing for the specific blockage your client is dealing with. To allow the client to relax fully, you will need to spend at least 15-20 minutes on this part of the session. Longer may be beneficial.

The End

Give the client time to ground their energy after the healing session and provide a drink of water. Ask them what shifted for them during the session and invite questions. It may be helpful to refer back to the card(s) you worked with to anchor their experience in a deeper understanding of the archetype.

In today’s we explored the world of Angelic Tarot Healing and its energetic foundations. We delved into the concept of the angelic realm, the energetic and archetypal qualities of Tarot cards, and the profound connection between the Tarot and the angels. I hope this post serves as a valuable resource for those interested in integrating the angelic realm and Tarot cards into their energy healing practice.


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