
45. Sehaliah – 6 of Cups

Sehaliah Sah-HAH-Lah

Shem Angel 45 Sehaliah (aka Sealiah) is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘God Who Motivates’ or ‘God Who Is the Lifeblood of All Things’ or ‘God Who Stirs All Things.’ The name sounds like Sah-HAH-Lah. The corresponding Angelic Choir is Virtues, under the rulership of Archangel Michael. The Planetary correspondence is the Sun. Sehaliah is the Angel of Motivation. She can bring us enthusiasm when we feel stuck or numb. The corresponding gemstone is Black Tourmaline.

Sehaliah rules the time between 2:40 and 3 PM. While this is a good time to invoke Sehaliah, all the Shem Angels can be invoked whenever we need their assistance. Sehaliah primarily rules the dates 3 – 7 November, corresponding with the first quinance of the second decan of Scorpio. The corresponding Tarot card for the second decan of Scorpio is the 6 of Cups. Ariel rules the final five days of the second decan of Scorpio. Sehaliah’s secondary rulership covers 21 February, 5 May, 19 July, 2 October and 13 December.

We each have three Shem HaMephorash Guardian Angels in each incarnation. They ensure that we discover what we need to know in order to evolve our souls on the path to becoming Angelic Humans. The following explains the roles of your three Shem Guardian Angels: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

CLICK HERE to find your three Birth Angels.

Sehaliah and the 6 of Cups

Motivation and enthusiasm are the two main themes that connect the guardianship of Sehaliah with the 6 of Cups (Sun in Scorpio). The 6 of Cups signifies intense emotions/desire and is often associated with a longing for some utopian past that can’t be recaptured. We could find ourselves stuck in a stagnant state of nostalgia, unable and not wanting to move forward when this card shows up. If that is the case, it is time to call in Sehaliah for an infusion of the divine life force. She can stir us back into action with a focus on the future.

Sehaliah rules all four Elements and is also an Angel of Healing. She can help with any physical or psychosomatic condition that is caused by stuck emotions or stagnant energy. To be fair, there are very few (if any) illnesses that do not fall into either of these categories. According to Chinese Medicine, all illnesses originate in a stagnant or blocked Chi/Qi flow.

However, the 6 of Cups is not a predominantly negative card. All Tarot Keys have positive and negative meanings. On the plus side, the 6 of Cups can signify strong soul bonds with people. These bonds ensure that we meet up with our soul mates at the right time in order to fulfil our soul contracts. Sometimes these soul contracts involve romantic relationships which is why the 6 of Cups is known as ‘the soul mate card.’

Psalms to Invoke Sehaliah

45 Sehaliah - Psalms to invoke

Weaknesses that Sehaliah Can Transform

  • Too little or too much enthusiasm
  • Natural disasters
  • Illness
  • Apathy and a lack of energy
  • Hardship and deprivation
  • Lack of self-control
  • Difficult to get on with

Use the Sah-HAH-Lah Mantra to…

…get a boost of confidence and optimism. Chant this name to shift the focus from your limitations to how you can use your gifts in service to others. Sehaliah can help revitalise our mind, body and spirit. She makes our hearts glad and fills us with enthusiasm. Sehaliah can also help us better align with our calling by helping us find the type of course, teacher or programme that will get us there. Becoming the Angelic Humans God intends for us to be, means allowing ourselves to have our hope for the future renewed and to be constantly filled with divine inspiration.

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