Holistic Runes – An introduction to how to work with runes as catalysts for the transformation of states of consciousness, divination & magic
11 Simple ChristoPagan Rituals
11 simple ChristoPagan Rituals for those who like to combine their faith in Christ with an earth-centred spiritual path.
What Can a Holistic Tarot Reading Do for You?
A deck of cards… what can you actually gain from consulting a deck of cards? Isn’t a Tarot reading only something for the extremely gullible that are afraid of getting cursed unless they cross the fortune-tellers palm with silver?
7 Ways a Tarot or Oracle Card Daily Draw Can Improve Your Life
Whether or not you believe in the power of the cards to tell fortunes or not, Tarot and Oracle cards make wonderful tools for connecting with your own intuitive guidance. You can make this a daily spiritual practice at the start of each new day. This practice will bring you a host of benefits if you do it the right way, i.e. mindfully. Here are a five tips that will enable mindfulness for your daily draw.
A Holistic Yes-No Tarot Technique
We look at a holistic yes-no Tarot technique that helps you formulate the right question so that you can gain the clarity you seek.
Mixed Oracle Spread with Tarot Charms, Random Words and an Oracle Card
How to do a mixed oracle spread using an oracle card deck, a random word generator and a Tarot Major Arcana charms oracle.
Black Moon Multi-Deck Tarot Ritual
A Tarot Ritual to purge and refocus on the Black Moon. Look at what to leave behind and how to focus your energy for conscious co-creation of your dreams.
“What was the lesson?” Break-Up Tarot Spread
No lengthy introduction is needed for this spread. We’ve all been there… We thought he was the One and it turned out to be just another lesson. Sometimes it’s worth not looking over your shoulder but certain relationships leave you thinking there’s a lesson you were meant to get. If that’s how you feel then that’s your truth and you need to honour it… Tarot to the rescue!
7 Tips for DIY Love Tarot Readings
Some people claim it’s impossible to read about love for yourself. I beg to differ! Check out my top 7 tips for DIY Love Tarot Readings!
Planetary Archangel Tarot Spread for the Week Ahead (with cheat sheet)
The Planetary Archangel Tarot Spread to divine the week ahead is based on Archangelic correspondences for each day of the week