In today’s post, I share about the spiritual reality behind my python spirit deliverance and why I no longer do fortune-telling.
Ancestor Work for Beginners
Many of us are starting to realise how important the connection with our ancestors is. In today’s post, we look at Ancestor Work for Beginners
5 Strange Facts About the Tarot
You may think you know all there is to know about the Tarot but in this post but I share 5 strange facts about this ‘wicked pack of cards.’
Learn How to Read Oracle Cards for Beginners
A five-step beginners’ guide on how to get started with oracle card readings and getting precise messages through for yourself and others.
Simple Dark Moon Release Ritual
The Dark Moon is a time for release. In this post I share a simple ritual for honouring your connection with the Divine Feminine as the Dark Mother while releasing any tension.
Raidho Rune Tarot Spread
Learn the meaning and harness the power of the Elder Futhark rune Raidho with a bit of help from the Tarot! 8-card Rune Tarot spread with sample reading.
Mercury Retrograde in Leo Tarot Spread
Happy Mercury retrograde! Let’s use the Tarot to find out how we can make the most of the Mercury Rx period in Leo 26 July – 19 August!
Love Mandala Magick
A love mandala magick spell to harness the help of your spirit guides to help you create a connection with your future soul mate lover through the ether.
Samhain Power Crystal Tarot Reading
Use the power crystal Tarot technique to find the best crystal for you to work with over the next 12 months. Do your Samhain year ahead reading around it.
How to Do Psychic Angel Card Readings
Think you’re not psychic? Think again! Today I teach you how to do Psychic Angel Card Readings for yourself and others in seven easy steps.