Embark on the Dragon Mountain Tarot journey to strengthen your connection with your Dragon Guardian, overcoming challenges aligned with your chakras. Discover the spread now.
Are Dragons Real?
Are dragons real? If they are, why should humans bother with them? Why are there so many dragons on Earth now and how can we work with them?
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Working with Dragons
Today I share the FIVE things I wish I knew before I started working with DRAGONS. Feel free to learn from my mistakes!
Get to Know Your Dragon Guide Tarot Spread
Your Dragon Guide is a bit like a Guardian Angel. Today, we look at how to get to know him or her better so that the Magick can begin!
How to Connect with your Dragon Guide
Channelled information from the dragon realm on how to connect with your dragon guide.
7 Signs of People with Dragon Medicine & Dragon Pathworking Tarot Spread
Find out the 7 signs of a person with Dragon Medicine and try the Dragon Pathworking Tarot spread to connect with your Dragon Power.