In today’s post, I share the rune and angel correspondences I work with, along with three simple and practical angelic rune rituals.
Understanding Megin (with Tarot Spread)
Learn about the Norse concept of megin or mægen and compare it with chi for a better understanding. Includes a Megin Cultivation Tarot spread
How to Read the Runes – A Practical Guide for Beginners
Learn how to read the runes. This practical guide for beginners includes meanings, layouts and correspondences for each Elder Futhark rune.
Othala Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Elder Futhark rune meanings for the Othala rune. Divinatory meanings, healing tips, affirmations and Hyperborean Water Magic.
Dagaz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Holistic rune meanings for the Elder Futhark Rune Dagaz. Divinatory meanings, healing tips, affirmations and Hyperborean Water Magic.
Inguz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Holistic rune meanings for the Elder Futhark Rune Inguz. Divinatory meanings, healing tips, affirmations and Hyperborean Water Magic.
Laguz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Holistic divinatory rune meanings and correspondences for the Laguz rune. Hyperborean Water Magic, healing tips, prayer and affirmations.
Mannaz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Holistic divinatory rune meanings and correspondences for the Mannaz rune. Hyperborean Water Magic, healing tips, prayer and affirmations.
Ehwaz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Basic holistic rune meanings and correspondences for the Elder Futhark rune Ehwaz. Divinatory meanings and Hyperborean Water Magic.
Berkano Elder Futhark Rune Meanings
Holistic rune meanings, correspondences for the Berkano rune. Divinatory meanings, prayer, affirmations and Hyperborean Water Magic.