Channelled information from the dragon realm on how to connect with your dragon guide.
7 Health Benefits & 7 Magickal Uses for Labradorite
Labradorite is the empath’s stone. Learn how it can benefit your wellbeing, as well as how you can use this wonderful crystal for magick.
7 Ways to Work with the Aquarius New Moon
Find out how to make the most of the powerful energy of the New Moon in Aquarius, which is also the start of the Chinese Year of the Red Fire Monkey. Happy New Beginnings!
7 Ways to Harness the Power of the Capricorn New Moon
Harness the power of the Capricorn New Moon. Work with the relevant correspondences. Cast a spell and invoke the blessings of Archangel Cassiel, ruler of Saturn and Capricorn.
Make the Most of the Sagittarius New Moon
Sagittarius is ruled by the ‘Great Benefic’ Jupiter. Learn 7 great ways to harness the power of the Sagittarius New Moon and become more optimistic!
7 Health Benefits & 7 Magical Uses for Frankincense
Frankincense (Boswellia sacra), aka olibanum, is an essential oil that is particularly popular around this time of year. It is one that we associate with Christmas thanks to the tale of three wise men who brought baby Jesus frankincense, gold and myrrh. But there are many other good reasons why you should stock up on frankincense before the holiday season is in full swing…
7 Health Benefits and Magickal Properties of Jasmine Essential Oil
Jasmine essential oil is one of my absolute favourite oils. It never fails to lift my spirit. Learn the benefits of working with this oil!
Tarot Magic
Does the Tarot have the power to transform our lives? Chloë McCracken, creator of the Celtic Lenormand Oracle, and author of two ebooks on magic, explains how to use the Tarot magically, to create deep and lasting change.
The Archangel Gabriel Tarot Spread
Learn some of the main correspondences for Archangel Gabriel and find out what his message is for you with this Angelic Tarot spread.
Three Pisces Full Moon Magick Rituals
Harness the power of the Pisces Full Moon by performing one of these three magick rituals for connection with Spirit and healing