Love Tarot meanings for The Moon as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes a Love Tarot Ritual with Archangel Barachiel.
The Lovers as Feelings (with Two Love Tarot Rituals)
Love and relationship Tarot meanings for The Lovers as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes two Angelic Love Rituals.
10 of Pentacles as Feelings (with Love Tarot Ritual)
In-depth 10 of Pentacles Love and Relationship Tarot meanings, whether you are single or coupled. Includes an Angelic Love Tarot ritual
The Tower as Feelings (with Two Love Tarot Rituals)
The Tower as feelings of your love interest and guidance on all other aspects of the relationship. Includes two angelic love tarot rituals.
Judgement as Feelings (with Angelic Love Tarot Ritual)
Judgement as feelings of your love interest and guidance on all other aspects of the relationship. Includes two angelic love tarot rituals.
The Internet Dating Vetting Tarot Spread
Online dating can be risky business but with armed with the Internet Dating Vetting Tarot Spread you’ll have a better idea of what to expect.
The ‘Help I’m Single Again!’ Tarot Spread
It’s OK to take a time out from dating if you are recently single but you know best when you are ready to start dating again. People are often quick to tell …