In today’s post, we begin a journey through the Biblical Tarot and learn what true freedom of the soul looks like.
Learning to Trust with the Fool (Includes a Tarot Spread)
Explore trust and innocence through The Fool card. Learn how to heal trust issues with the ‘Learning to Trust like the Fool Tarot Spread.’
Unleashing Enchantment: Five Paths to Infuse Magic into Your Life
Discover 5 paths to infuse magic into your existence and bring enchantment back to your life. Experience the joy of a more magical existence.
The Top 7 Change and Transformation Tarot Cards
In today’s post, we look at the top 7 change and transformation Tarot cards in the Major Arcana and see what medicine they have for us
The Fool Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for The Fool. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and invocation.
Tarot of the Wyld Godde
A new leg of my journey toward recovery from RTS begins today with the creation of the Wyld Godde Tarot, a tarot deck that invites questioning
Archangel Uriel Angelic Tarot Activation
A channelled message and angelic activation from Archangel Uriel for Zero Point Alignment, the Angelic Code associated with The Fool and the access point for Christ Consciousness.
Uranus in Taurus 2018-2026
Uranus enters Taurus on 15-16 May 2018 where it stays until 2026. Find out what this means means and get a feel for the energies at play by looking at the corresponding Tarot cards.
The Fool Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for The Fool. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and invocation.
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Tarot Spread
Can’t find a decent man? Use the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Tarot Spread to help you find the one worth keeping!