A review of the Universal Celtic Tarot published by Lo Scarabeo. Includes a video flip-through of all the cards and a deck interview.
Aquarius New Moon Tarot Spread
Make the most of the 2024 Aquarius New Moon with a Tarot spread that will help you unlock your talents so that you best can serve humanity.
The Internet Dating Vetting Tarot Spread
Online dating can be risky business but with armed with the Internet Dating Vetting Tarot Spread you’ll have a better idea of what to expect.
The Mystical Tarot of the Saints Review and Deck Interview
A review of the Mystical Tarot of the Saints by Psychic Nathe and Cristina Scagliotti. Includes a video flip-through and a deck interview.
A Simple Witchcraft Self-initiation Ritual
A Simple Witchcraft Self-initiation Ritual, perfect for Imbolc, to start your new journey. Includes a highly adaptable template.
Sophianic Witchcraft and the Wise Witch Tarot Spread
Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and healing, exploring the Divine Feminine and Sophianic witchcraft. Includes a Tarot Spread.
The Goddess of Love Tarot Review and Deck Interview
A review of the Goddess of Love Tarot by Gabriela Herstik. Includes a deck interview and video flip-through to music showing all the cards.
The Year Card Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to help you make the most of your Tarot year card lessons, challenges and opportunities.
The ‘Help I’m Single Again!’ Tarot Spread
It’s OK to take a time out from dating if you are recently single but you know best when you are ready to start dating again. People are often quick to tell …
Taking a Witch’s Name – How to Choose Your Magickal Name
Why Witches Take a Magickal Name Witches and other practitioners of magic(k) may choose to take a magickal name for various reasons, including personal empowerment, spiritual transformation, and the need …