Job’s Tarot spread was created after I lost a baby, got dumped by the baby’s father and found myself surrounded by frenemies
7 Ways to Invoke Angels in Your Tarot Practice
What if Angels are standing by to help you with your Tarot work? Here are 7 ways to invoke Angels and make the part of your Tarot practice.
Vervain Bach Flower Remedy
Vervain is the Bach Flower Remedy for those who have a very strong sense of justice combined with the need to be right.
Oak Bach Flower Essence
Are you the kind of person who keeps on keeping on long after the ‘Only 10% of Battery Remaining’ sign has flashed up? Then you might need some Oak Bach Remedy!
Rock Rose
Rock Rose is the Bach Flower Remedy to use for states of overwhelming fear or terror. It is included in the Bach Rescue Remedy and can be regarded as a rescue remedy in its own right for sufferers of severe anxiety and panic attacks.
Scleranthus Bach Flower Remedy
Scleranthus could be said to be the Libra remedy, as it counteracts indecision, which is one of the main pitfalls for the harmony-loving Libran.
This is what Dr Bach has to say about the Schleranthus personality type:
Rock Water Bach Remedy
Rock Water is the remedy for anyone who is too harsh on themself and who tends to see the world in black and white. The Rock Water type person usually gets very regimented about things like diet and exercise and can’t seem to cut themself any slack. They do not inflict the same gruelling discipline on others but strive instead to lead by example.
Pendulum Dowsing for Wellbeing 101
Are you ready to empower yourself and take your wellbeing into your own hands? Yes?! Great! Learn how to use the pendulum to dowse for health and wellbeing, do more accurate Tarot readings or connect with your spirit guides.
Gentian Bach Flower Remedy
Is your glass always half empty? Have you lost faith in your ability to manifest the changes you desire? Then Gentian may be the Bach Flower Remedy for you. Learn what additional holistic resources to use together with this remedy in order to effect positive change.
7 Reasons to Learn Angelic Tarot
We look at some of the top reasons for us to learn Angelic Tarot, something that can enhance our ability to help those who come for readings