You’re not one of those namby-pamby angel card or angel tarot readers who tell people to cloak themselves in white light and all will be well. You don’t do ‘spiritual bypass.’ You’re a true Tarotist and unafraid of the harsh realities of life. The Death card can mean physical death, no problem. You studied Jung and are aware of the importance of Shadow work… So why would you want to invoke angels as part of your Tarot practice?
Well perhaps because you are dealing with the harsh realities of life and sometimes have to deal with a lot of heavy energy in your readings for other people. Why shoulder those burdens alone when angels make such perfect companions in divination work?
1. Invoke Your Birth Angels
Find your birth angels, i.e. the ones to which your personal energy is most naturally attuned, such as Guardian Angel. For divination, we are interested in the lunar connection so begin with figuring out your moon sign. For instance, mine is Pisces and the ruler of Pisces is Neptune (or Jupiter if you prefer traditional Astrology). The ruling angel for Neptune is Asariel and for Jupiter it’s Sachiel.
You may also want to call on the angel of the day of the week you were born:
Sunday – Michael
Monday – Gabriel
Tuesday – Camael
Wednesday – Raphael
Thursday – Sachiel
Friday – Anael
Saturday – Cassiel
Click HERE to find out which Tarot cards correspond to each of the Archangels!
Try THIS Tarot Spread to connect with your 5 Personal Angels!
2. Invoke Your Angels in Meditation
Connect with your personal guardian(s) in meditation. This may sound daunting if you have never connected with spirit guides or guardian angels before but it really is quite simple. All it requires is a relaxed state of mind and a willingness to receive. Ask for protection and make sure that you are grounded and centred before you start. Doing a chakra rainbow meditation is a great way to clear any energy that might block angelic transmission.
Your angel may communicate in a number of ways: a wave of warmth, lights of various colours, gentle pressure, sweet scents, symbolic images and clairaudience. If the latter is enabled, you may ask for the name of your angel. Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself clairaudient – you may find that you simply know the name of your angel.
For those of you interested in learning more about spirit communication and channelling, I wholeheartedly recommend Channelling: What it is and how to do it by Lita de Alberdi.
3. Angelic Card Blessing Ritual
Connect your personal angel(s) with your cards. Perform a ritual and ask your birth/guardian angels to bless your cards. It can be as simple or as heavy on ritual detail as you like. It is enough to simply ask the angels to bless the cards but you can do anything else that puts you in the right mood, from lighting a candle to casting an Archangelic circle before you begin.
4. Invoke Angels for a Daily Draw
Ask for daily angelic tarot guidance for yourself. Call on an angel by name and ask what their message is for you that day. Alternatively, you might wish to follow the Essene Model and work with the relevant Angel of the Essene Tree of Life for that day. Personally, I like to pull a Tarot card and an angel oracle card together, allowing the synergy between them to give a more in-depth message. Don’t forget to journal your daily draw!
5. Work Together with the Angels
Invoke angelic guidance and protection. Do this before each reading, either quietly in your mind or out loud, whether reading for yourself or another person. To some clients, asking out loud is comforting and to others, it’s just off-putting – use your own discernment and good judgment!
6. Tarot and Angel Oracle Cards – A Match Made in Heaven!
Combine your tarot card readings with angel oracle messages. I can recommend the Angels of Atlantis Oracle as the messages and energy of this deck seem to blend in very well with the Tarot. The Guardian Angel Oracle by Chrissie Astell is another lovely deck to use together with the Tarot for Angelic Tarot readings that are truly uplifting
If you don’t like mixing card types in your readings, you can always have your client pull an angel card at the end of the session. This is a great way to ensure that you end on a high, especially if the reading has been emotionally taxing for your client.
(Click HERE if you are new to reading with mixed oracles.)
7. Raise the Vibration of Your Environment to Invoke Angels
Make your environment angel-friendly. Cleanliness is next to godliness – that’s not just a cliché, it also happens to be true so make sure to keep your reading space clean and uncluttered. Find out which essential oils, colours, crystals and incense resonate with and therefore attract angelic presences and decorate accordingly.
These are just some ways of allowing the angels to help with your Angelic Tarot practice… I’m sure you can think of more! Remember that angels operate on the principle of synchronicity in how they convey their messages – just like the Tarot. It can be on a more subtle level but don’t be surprised if you start seeing an increase in synchronicity once you invite the angels in.
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So it seems!
Thanks, Lisa! I'm Raphael all over it seems: Born on a Wednesday, too.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury so that would be Raphael
So I know my moon sign is Gemini, but I'm having trouble finding a site that will tell me which angel corresponds to that.
So glad this was a timely post for you, Quirky Empress! 🙂
I had written out a reply not sure if it went through lol, but I am thankful that you wrote this post as I love angels and have many angel decks! I have been seeking to get more connected with them lately. 🙂 I have a moon in Pisces too by tge way!
Krysten told me about your post and it could not have came at a most needed time. I love working with angels and I have many angel oracles. I have really been seeking angelic guidance lately so thank you for your post!
You're welcome Lynnaiah, glad you found this post inspirational. Enjoy re-connecting with the angels! 🙂
Thank you, Suelena. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post. May your angel connection bring you peace and depth in your readings.
Great article Lisa! Once again, you gave me some great reminders!
I also pulled out Lita's book, dusted it off and left it out so I'll get to reading it.. and I also dusted off those Angel cards and put them where I can start practicing with them, I haven't used them yet … guess I better get busy!
Blessings and thank you..
This is quite amazing and again, so not a coincindence.. My moon sign is cancer that is ruled by the moon and then Gabriel (my friend since childhood)is with me. And my other Angel,Raphael, is actually borh ruler of my weekday and my sign..Very interesting to go deeper with..
Thanks for the Angel Almanac tip, Anton – off to check it out! 🙂 xx
As you know I love working with Angels :). With or without Tarot but in addition to the great suggestions here may I add Angela McGerr "Angel Almanac", it is easy to follow and comprehensive even for a beginner 🙂 xx