The Wyld Godde Tarot Temperance card has some questions to help us better align with the Elements of Creation and our own visionary ability.
Tarot of the Wyld Godde Hanged Man
The Tarot of the Wyld Godde Hanged Man brings healing and release so that we can open up to reconnection and being unconditional.
Tarot of the Wyld Godde Justice
We examine the connection between unconditional love, grace and justice through the lens of the Tarot of the Wyld Godde Justice card.
Wyld Godde Tarot XIII
The Wyld Godde Tarot XIII card is a good news card. The yellow butterfly sign proves that there is no death, only change!
The Christ Consciousness Tarot Spread
The Christ Consciousness Tarot Spread is a simple, three-card spread to help you shift into a state of grace aka Christ Consciousness.
Grace and Forgiveness Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread that Spirit guided me to create for the Pisces Solar Eclipse but can be used for any time forgiveness is in focus + 3 simple forgiveness rituals.
What It Means to Forgive an Ex
Forgiveness is not the same as cold detachment. Find out what the Angels want us to know about truly forgiving an ex lover…
‘Give me my wings!’ Tarot Spread
The ‘Give me my wings’ Tarot spread is inspired by the film Maleficent. It can help you avoid hurting others when you are in pain.