Other than ‘Will he come back?,’ the most popular question I get asked is ‘When will I meet The One?’… as in the one you marry, settle down and start a family with. So I thought we would look at some card combinations that show the intent to truly commit.
Top 10 Sex Tarot Card Combos
Curious to know which the top 10 sex tarot card combos are? Find out in today’s post where we look at juicy 2-card combos!
Multiples and Pairings in Love Tarot Readings
In today’s Tarot post, we are going through the meanings of multiples and pairings in the Tarot Minor Arcana.
The Three Stages of Love Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to help you examine where you and your beloved are at with regards to the three stages of falling & being in love.
The Groundhog Day Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread, inspired by the film ‘Groundhog Day’ to help you break free from reactive patterns and to start loving unconditionally.
The Ultimate Tarot Guide to Surviving a Bad Break-up & Getting Your Ex Back
The ultimate Tarot guide to surviving a bad break-up… But wait, why just ‘survive’ when you can thrive with a bit of help from the Tarot?
I Want My Ex Back… Should I Date?
To date or to wait often becomes the big question after you’ve broken up with someone you are still hoping to get back with.
There may be no communication between you at all, yet the hope of having him back lingers. But not having a Miss Havisham fetish, you don’t want to put your life on hold indefinitely…
‘What’s My Pulling Power?’ Tarot Spread
Do you want to attract a new lover? I created the ‘What’s My Pulling Power?’ on a sizzling Scorpio Full Moon but you can use it any day of the year.
Top 5 Ways to Rekindle Love – Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to rekindle love and romance in your long-term relationship. Bring back the excitement with a bit of help from the cards!
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