Unlock the mystical wisdom of Majors Only Love Tarot Readings. Explore card meanings and beginner-friendly tarot spreads.
King of Swords Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for the King of Swords. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and prayer.
The Mirror of the Soul – Relationship Tarot Ethics
Third party readings are not only NOT helpful, they can be harmful. Here’s how you can approach the Tarot in a more empowering, creative and authentic way.
The Scales of Relationship Harmony Tarot Spread
The Scales of Relationship Harmony Tarot Spread is a 13-card spread to help you re-harmonise any relationship.
Flowers for The Beloved Tarot Spread
The Flowers for the Beloved Tarot spread is a relationship Tarot spread focused on the joy of giving in any love relationship.
Mars Retrograde in Love
Hey, how’s your love life? Mars retrograde in love could add some tension to the relationship. Find out how it could be affecting you.
Cupid’s Arrow Tarot Spread
We all know what Cupid’s arrows can be like… a bit hit and miss! What do you do when the object of your affections hardly seems to notice you? As the saying goes: “All is fair in love and war”
The WTF?! Tarot Spread
What is going on?! The WTF Tarot spread is the perfect spread to use to analyse a weird turn in the relationship.
Top 5 Ways to Rekindle Love – Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to rekindle love and romance in your long-term relationship. Bring back the excitement with a bit of help from the cards!
The Love Star Tarot Spread
Today I thought we would look at a simple star-shaped spread for keeping love alive in a relationship. It’s called The Love Star both because of its shape and because it invokes the qualities of the Star card in terms of hope, grace and wishes coming true.