The god Tyr was an important Norse sky god, important enough for Tuesdays to be named after him. He is known for his bravery, wisdom, and association with law, justice, and war. In a way, it’s odd how he faded into almost total obscurity, especially considering how few gods have the honour of having a day of the week named after them. Funnily enough, the same can be said for Tuesday’s Archangel, Samael. Yet both Tyr and Samael have important lessons to teach and qualities for us to embody.
My theory is that the Dying Powers aren’t served by individuals having a strong sense of justice and honour. The MSM output drives us to be easily manipulated and in a perpetual state of fear. Tyr’s energy is proactive and always looks to the Highest Good of all rather than personal gain. That’s the kind of moral fortitude that nobody can manipulate or use for personal gain. Hence, his veneration had to end.
But people still craved a Sky Daddy, so the Beast system (Rome et al) took that Sky Daddy and turned him into someone who shamed people with original sin instead of encouraging valour, making adherents dependent on the priesthood and their purported magical ability to cleanse sinners through the sacraments.
So, before we dive into the Tarot reading, let’s get to know Tyr a bit better…
Family and Origins
Tyr’s parentage is unclear in the myths. He’s either a son of Odin or of the giant Hymir. If Odin is his father, Tyr would be a half-brother to Thor, Baldur, Váli, Vidarr, Heimdall, Hermod, Bragi, and Hodr.
Historical Significance
- Tyr was once one of the most important gods to the Norse and other Germanic peoples.
- His name derives from Proto-Germanic *Tiwaz, meaning ‘god,’ indicating his former prominence.
- He was associated with war, law, and justice.
Overtaken by Odin
While the exact reasons are unclear, Tyr’s prominence diminished over time as Odin’s cult grew. By the Viking Age, Odin had become the chief god, while Tyr’s role in surviving myths became relatively minor. This shift might reflect changing social and religious dynamics among the Germanic peoples.
Role in Subduing Fenrir
Tyr’s most famous myth involves the binding of Fenrir, the monstrous wolf. When the gods sought to chain Fenrir, the wolf was suspicious and demanded one of the gods place their hand in his mouth as a gesture of good faith. Only Tyr was brave enough to do so. When Fenrir realised he was truly bound, he bit off Tyr’s hand. This act showcased Tyr’s bravery and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good.
Role at Ragnarök
We don’t know much about Tyr’s specific role at Ragnarök from the surviving myths. However, as a god of war, he would likely participate in the final battle. Some interpretations suggest he fights Garm, the hound that guards Hel’s gate, with both killing each other.
Attributes and Worship
- Bravery, honour, and justice are his attributes.
- He was invoked for victory in battle.
- The rune that bears his name, Tiwaz, was used in invocations for victory and carved onto swords.
- Unlike Odin, Tyr was not associated with magic or shape-changing, but rather with straightforward valour and keeping promises.
Tyr’s story reflects the evolving nature of Norse mythology and the changing dynamics of Germanic religious practices over time. While his prominence waned, his attributes of bravery, justice, and sacrifice remained important in Norse culture.
Here are some ways to honour Tyr and the correspondences associated with him:
Ways to Honour Tyr
- Uphold oaths and promises – Tyr values honour and keeping one’s word.
- Stand up for justice and fairness.
- Demonstrate courage in the face of adversity.
- Maintain and care for weapons or tools as offerings.
- Protect those who cannot defend themselves.
- Make offerings of alcohol, particularly mead or ale.
- Meditate on his energy and read his myths.
- Create an altar dedicated to him.
Correspondences and Associations:
- Colours: Red (associated with blood and sacrifice), grey, or bronze.
- Day: Tuesday (named after Tyr in English).
- Symbols: Sword, spear, helmet, wolf, hand (referencing his sacrifice).
- Runes: Tiwaz (ᛏ) is his rune.
- Stones: Gray agate, smoky topaz, red jasper
- Metals: Iron and steel
- Plants: Oak, Wolf’s Bane, Holly and Yew
- Incense: Dragon’s Blood
- Altar items: Weapons (kept clean and in good condition), representations of law or justice, and items symbolising courage or honour.
Remember that many of these associations are modern interpretations (UPG – Unverified Personal Gnosis) rather than historical practices. When honouring Tyr, focus on embodying his values of justice, honour, and courage in your actions. He cares more about your bravery than about what crystals you keep on his altar.
Personal interpretation and connection are important in modern Norse paganism, so trust your intuition when developing your practice of honouring Tyr.
The God Tyr Tarot Spread

This Tarot spread can help you embody Tyr’s attributes of justice, bravery, honour, and sacrifice.
- Heart of Tyr: What is the essence of Tyr’s energy in my life?
Helps you understand how Tyr’s strength and justice are manifesting in your reality. - Bravery: What do I need to confront to embody bravery like Tyr?
This card will reveal the fears or obstacles you need to face head-on, reminiscent of Tyr’s courage in confronting Fenrir. - Honour: How can I strengthen my personal sense of honour?
Look for guidance on aligning your actions with your core values and understanding what honour means to you. - Justice: Where in my life can I bring more justice?
This card points to situations requiring your advocacy to ensure fairness, and equitably managing relationships and obligations. - Sacrifice: What am I willing to sacrifice for my values?
Here, the focus is on what commitments or changes you can make, reflecting Tyr’s willingness to sacrifice his hand for the greater good.
To use this spread:
- Shuffle your tarot deck while focusing on Tyr’s qualities and your desire to embody them.
- Draw five cards and place them in the order listed above.
- (Optional): If you work with the runes, pull a rune for each of the cards for further insights.
- Interpret each card in the context of its position and the associated question.
Reading with this spread can guide you towards a more principled and courageous approach to life’s challenges.
Sample Reading with The God Tyr Tarot Spread (Plus Runes)

1. Heart of Tyr (10 of Wands + Jera)
The essence of Tyr’s energy in your life is one of bearing heavy responsibilities and burdens, much like Tyr himself. The 10 of Wands suggests you may feel overwhelmed by your duties. However, Jera reminds you that these trials are part of a natural cycle that will ultimately lead to fruitful outcomes. To embody Tyr’s energy, recognize your limits, remain steadfast in your duties, and trust that your efforts will eventually lead to a harvest.
2. Bravery (Queen of Swords + Ehwaz):
To embody bravery like Tyr, you need to embrace clear thinking and decisiveness. The Queen of Swords encourages you to confront challenges with intelligence and wisdom. Ehwaz suggests that partnerships play a crucial role in facing your fears. Embrace the support of those around you, and be prepared for positive changes that may lead to breakthroughs in your journey toward bravery.
3. Honour (10 of Swords + Uruz)
Strengthening your personal sense of honour involves acknowledging a painful ending or betrayal. The 10 of Swords points to a necessary conclusion, which may come with hurt. To move forward, you must release these feelings and allow for healing. Uruz, the rune of strength and endurance, indicates that your honour resides in your ability to rise from this conflict with newfound robustness. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth rather than defeat.
4. Justice (9 of Wands + Othala)
To bring more justice into your life, stand firm in your beliefs and be ready to protect what matters most to you. The 9 of Wands indicates that you’ve fought hard to defend your position. Othala highlights the importance of your heritage in shaping your sense of justice. Your fight for fairness aligns with the legacy left by your ancestors. Stand strong in what you believe is right, as it reflects not only your values but also those inherent in your bloodline. Growing stronger through life’s trials has given you the ability to heal the Wyrd of your bloodline.
5. Sacrifice (Wheel of Fortune + Wunjo)
The Wheel of Fortune points to the cyclical nature of life, suggesting that sacrifices are often necessary for greater outcomes. You may need to let go of something to welcome new opportunities. Wunjo, the rune of joy, indicates that such sacrifices can lead to happiness and fulfilment. However, it also means that you sometimes have to sacrifice your personal happiness for the Greater Good. Embrace the changing tides of existence, knowing that your sacrifices today can create a better future for everyone. Trust in the process and find contentment in your willingness to give up something for a greater cause.
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