The versatile Runic Lenormand Spread is great to use for general readings when you don’t have a question but also works well with a question.
Dance Divination
Dance divination is a way of unlocking the inner knowing of your soul through the body. It can be used on its own or with the Tarot.
Hummingbird Wisdom Oracle Review
A review of the Hummingbird Wisdom Oracle Cards by Ellen Valladares with illustrations by Yasmeen Westwood. Published by Red Feather.
Learn How to Read Oracle Cards for Beginners
A five-step beginners’ guide on how to get started with oracle card readings and getting precise messages through for yourself and others.
The Quantum Oracle Review
Review of the Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, published by Hay House. Artwork by Kinga Britschgi. Deck interview.
Dragon Path Oracle Cards Review and Deck Interview
Yay, I finally found MY dragon oracle and what a beauty she is! Check out my mini review and deck interview with the Dragon Path Oracle Cards by Caroline Mitchell and Tiras Verey.
The Fairy Ring Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to help you got to know your faery themed Tarot or oracle deck a bit better.
Loving Words from Jesus – Unboxing & Review
Unboxing and reviewing Doreen Virtue’s Loving Words from Jesus Oracle, and sharing some of thoughts around current personal synchronicities.
7 Ways a Tarot or Oracle Card Daily Draw Can Improve Your Life
Whether or not you believe in the power of the cards to tell fortunes or not, Tarot and Oracle cards make wonderful tools for connecting with your own intuitive guidance. You can make this a daily spiritual practice at the start of each new day. This practice will bring you a host of benefits if you do it the right way, i.e. mindfully. Here are a five tips that will enable mindfulness for your daily draw.
Karmic Grace Past Life Tarot Spread and Sample Reading
A Past Life Tarot Spread inspired by Judy Hall’s ‘Past Life Astrology’ about how past life issues are affecting us and what grace to call in.
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