In today’s post, I walk you through how to work with and interpret dreams and also share the Angelorum Dream Interpretation Tarot Spread.
Tarot Scripting to Manifest Your Dream Life
Learn Tarot scripting and journaling techniques to bring your dreams into reality. Tarot spread ideas and daily card pull tips.
A Devotional Christian Tarot Practice
An example of a devotional Christian tarot practice that can be used in the morning or evening together with lectio divina or the daily examen.
78 Tarot Journaling Prompts – Part 2
This is the second and final part of the Tarot journaling prompts series. Here we look at the Minor Arcana cards in all four suits.
78 Tarot Journaling Prompts – Part 1
Tarot journaling prompts for the 22 Major Arcana cards and some tips for how to get the most from your (daily) Tarot journaling.