Explore the magical and health benefits of mugwort, including a unique Tarot spread for enhancing psychic abilities and spiritual growth.
The Psychic Development Tarot Spread
Unleash your potential with the Psychic Development Tarot Spread. Discover your gifts, overcome obstacles and learn to trust your intuition.
Psychic Development for Tarot Readers
Unlock your psychic development and intuitive abilities as a Tarot reader. Embark on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and divine guidance.
New Earth Tarot Spread for the Scorpio Full Moon
The Full Moon in Scorpio is a time when the veil between worlds is thin. It is a good time for a reading with the New Earth Tarot Spread.
78 Tarot Journaling Prompts – Part 2
This is the second and final part of the Tarot journaling prompts series. Here we look at the Minor Arcana cards in all four suits.
The ‘Reading the Gap’ Tarot Technique
You can learn card meanings and practice your readings until you’re blue in the face. You can even learn various add-ons such as Kabbalah, Numerology and Astrology and still not get the message of the cards. You can decorate your reading space with various types of crystals and still be no more receptive.