Planetary Archangel Tarot Spread for the Week Ahead (with cheat sheet)

mystical angel

Not ordinarily being one to work with huge spreads, I felt compelled to create the unusually large Planetary Archangel Tarot Spread. This spread can be used for divining the week ahead. And I find that helps me connect the dots between the Tarot and the influence of the corresponding Archangels.

As some of you may know, I have been working on ways of connecting my Tarot work with the healing energy of the Angels in various ways. It is actually very easy to implement knowledge of the Seven Planetary Archangels with the Tarot since most of the cards correspond to one of those Angels.

You will find a cheat sheet for the corresponding Tarot cards at the bottom of this post that you can enlarge and print out at home.

The Planetary Archangel Tarot Spread with the Alchemical Tarot

The spread below, using the Alchemical Tarot Renewed, third edition,* by Robert M. Place, shows you how the influence of the 7 Planetary Archangels impacts your week, day by day:

Planetary 7 Days of the Week Spread

An example of the latter in the spread above would be 2 of Cups (Venus in Cancer) on Friday. (Nice! :))Any day of the week that contains the Planetary Trump of that Day would be considered auspicious. Equally, Planetary Minors falling on the corresponding day of the week would require special attention.

Those of you well versed in Magick may even want to use this spread to find the most auspicious day for a particular working, in addition to calculating the correct planetary hour. (Each hour of each day corresponds to a different planet.)

So how would you read this spread? In simple terms, Gabriel will tell you about your emotions, calling and intuitive powers; Camael will help you divine your drive and also show potential conflict; Raphael can show issues surrounding communication; Sachiel can indicate the timing for taking a risk; Anael will show you the most auspicious timing for romance; Cassiel will reveal where you may have to work a bit harder and Michael may show you when you need to recharge and invoke divine protection, as well as where you have a chance to truly shine!

Before you begin…

TIP for Angelic Tarot readings or any kind of workings involving the Angels: Light a white candle before you begin and call on each of the seven Archangels in turn, asking for their guidance and blessing. Complete the invocation by saying the words ‘In Love & Light’ three times. Don’t forget to thank the Angels after you have completed the reading.

Keywords for the Archangels

Gabriel – Intuition, Vocation, Life Purpose, Female fertility, Prophecy
Camael – Courage, Initiative, Male Sexuality & Fertility, Conflict
Raphael – Healing, Communication, Travel, Internet
Sachiel – Luck, Career Advancement, Abundance, Risk-taking
Anael – Romance, Love, Partnerships, Harmony
Cassiel – Hard work, Long term projects, Banishing negativity
Michael – Vitality, Protection, Emotional freedom, Self-expression

Corresponding crystals

Gabriel – Moonstone, Selenite, Pearl
Camael – Ruby, Fire agate, Red Tiger’s Eye
Raphael – Peridot, Aventurine, Fluorite, Malachite
Sachiel – Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Kyanite
Anael – Rose Quartz, Jade, Emerald, Pink Sapphire, Sugilite
Cassiel – Snowflake Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Garnet
Michael – Citrine, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Amber

Planetary Archangels and Tarot Correspondences

Planetary Archangel Correspondences

I hope you enjoyed this post, which is a total Tarot Healing geek fest, especially since I ‘had’ to work on it on my day off  ðŸ˜€  Please share it with your friends and let’s all have fun learning together!

Oh, and please do comment if you give this spread a whirl! I would love to hear how you get on with it!

Lisa signature

* You can buy the fourth edition of the Alchemical Tarot renewed HERE.



  1. Hi Lisa thank you for your generosity in sharing these insights! Wonderful!

  2. Thank you for writing this. I've always enjoyed working with the angels and if I get to incorporate them more into my tarot work- the better!

  3. Very interesting. Been drawn to blue sapphire for a while so very apt for me to see it in your blog. Not heard of sachiel will read more on this. Thank you for your time and energy. X

  4. Wow. Just wow. I don't actually work with angels, but the planetary correspondences really resonate with me and I'm definitely going to give this a try. I am thinking I might develop something similar using animal guides… Thanks, Lisa!

  5. Just a thought could you do this as a daily exercise if you don't want to the whole lot at once?

  6. Thank you Lisa, so glad to have finally found a good tarot blog (and a few others lately as well)!

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