Learn about the unique traits, challenges, and strengths of Human Design Reflectors and explore a detailed Reflector Tarot Spread for deeper self-understanding.
Staying Calm and Grounded as a Tarot Reader in This Difficult Time
In today’s post, I address a question from a reader about how to stay calm and grounded as a Tarot reader in this difficult time.
The Top 3 Things That Are Keeping You from Your Life Purpose (with Tarot Spread)
Find out the top three blocks that are keeping you from being fully aligned with your life purpose and use the Tarot to clear those blocks for good, as well as align fully with your soul’s calling today.
Twin Flame Signs
7 Signs that you are ready to meet your Twin Flame: 10 Signs that you are in a Twin Flame Relationship:
Are You Twin Flame Material?
There is a lot of misunderstanding out there what Twin Flames are all about. We dispel some of the myths and provide a Tarot spread for you help see if you are ready for a Twin Flame relationship.