‘Is he cheating on me?’ Many clients come to Tarot readers with questions of this nature… Here’s how to deal with them, both as a reader and as a prospective client.
Past Life Connection Tarot Spread (Revised)
This Tarot spread helps you make sense of the current dynamic in a soul mate relationship as well as gives you a glimpse of a key past life you shared together.
A Third Harvest Halloween Tarot Spread
It’s Samhain so I thought I’d show you how to use the 12 Houses Zodiac Tarot Spread for a year ahead reading with a Third Harvest twist.
The Jupiter & Saturn Yes-No Tarot Technique
Find the answer to your yes/no question, using the cards corresponding with Archangels Sachiel and Cassiel.
Deck Interview with the Victorian Fairy Tarot
Review of the Victorian Fairy Tarot Deck and Book set published by Llewellyn. Deck interview, using the Fairy Ring Deck Interview Spread.
Deck Interview with the Archangel Power Tarot
Review of the The Archangel Power Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Complete with a Tarot deck interview.
Tarot Noir Review and Deck Interview
A review of the Marseille Tarot-inspired Tarot Noir Justine Ternel and Mattieu Hackière, complete with a Tarot deck interview.
The Major and Minor Arcana in Relationship Tarot Readings
Today I thought we would break the structure of the Tarot deck down in a way that gives you the bigger picture in love and relationship readings. It is always useful to look at the bigger picture first when analysing a Tarot spread, before delving into specific card/positional and combination meanings
Ceccoli Tarot Review and Deck Interview
I’m going to open by stating that the Ceccoli Tarot by artist Nicoletta Ceccoli is NOT a deck for the beginner reader who is still learning traditional meanings and symbology, …
Intuitive Two Choices Tarot Spread
Have to make a choice? The Two Choices Tarot Spread is my go-to for tuning in and choosing the path that best aligns me with Higher Will.