Majors Only Love Tarot Readings: A Quick and Easy Guide for Beginners

Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

Majors Only Love Tarot Readings: A Quick and Easy Guide for Beginners

Majors Only Love Tarot Readings: A Quick and Easy Guide for Beginners

Are you a beginner in the world of tarot, eager to unlock its mystical wisdom and uncover the secrets of love and relationship tarot readings? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the realm of Majors Only Love Tarot Readings, offering you a quick and easy way to tap into the powerful energy of the 22 Major Arcana cards.

Love and relationships are subjects that have captivated the human heart since time immemorial. Whether you are seeking guidance in an existing partnership or embarking on the journey of finding new love, the Majors Only Love Tarot Readings hold the key to unlocking hidden truths and illuminating the path to deeper connections.

A Traditional Way of Reading the Tarot Cards

This post will provide you with essential tools to conduct love and relationship tarot readings using only the 22 Major Arcana cards. You will discover the profound meanings behind each card and their specific significance in matters of the heart. As a beginner, you do not need to own a Majors-only deck or be overwhelmed by the complexity of working with 78 cards. Instead, you can easily separate the Major Arcana from any deck you own and explore their potent energies in the context of love and romance.

In fact, in countries like France, many professional Tarot readers who work with Marseille-style decks read with only the Majors. This is an old tradition that works well with any type of Tarot deck. The illustrations below are all from the Rider Waite Tarot–A perfect deck for beginners!

Beginner-friendly Tarot Spreads

To assist you along your journey, I have included a variety of simple Majors Only Love Tarot spreads. These spreads will help you gain valuable insights and offer practical guidance in matters of love, relationships, and self-discovery. With just a few cards, you will dive deep into the realms of emotions, desires, and the possibilities that love holds.

Whether you are a total beginner or an experienced tarot enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge, this guide will provide you with the tools and insights needed to conduct love and relationship tarot readings with ease.

Are you ready to navigate the complex landscape of love and relationships with the guidance of the Major Arcana? Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and uncover the profound wisdom that the tarot has to offer.

Jump to 3-Card Majors Only Love Tarot Spreads

Go to the 6-Card Cupid Majors Only Love Tarot Spread

Jump to Card Meanings

0 The Fool in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

Majors Only Love Tarot The Fool

When it comes to relationships, The Fool symbolises a fresh start, new beginnings, and taking risks. For those already in a relationship, The Fool indicates that it’s a time of exploration and spontaneity. It encourages both partners to approach their connection with a sense of adventure and embrace the unknown. It suggests that stepping outside of one’s comfort zone can lead to growth and a deeper bond. The Fool reminds couples to maintain an open mind and foster a playful spirit.

For those who are single and looking for love, The Fool card represents the need to embrace the journey with a free-spirited attitude. It advises individuals to take chances and be open to unexpected encounters. The Fool assures that being lighthearted and open-minded can lead to exciting romantic opportunities. It encourages individuals to trust their intuition and follow their instincts when it comes to new connections. The card reminds singles not to be afraid of taking a leap of faith in matters of the heart.

Ultimately, The Fool Card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the importance of embracing spontaneity and having a sense of adventure in relationships. This card encourages an open mind, a willingness to take risks, and a playful approach. The Fool reminds us that sometimes, the most valuable experiences arise when we release expectations and embrace the unknown.

1 The Magician in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

The Magician Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

In the realm of romantic partnerships, The Magician represents a charismatic and confident individual who possesses the power to manifest their desires. For those already in a relationship, this card signifies a time of great potential and communication. It suggests that both partners have what it takes to create a harmonious and fulfilling union by harnessing their inner strengths and abilities. The Magician reminds couples to tap into their shared goals and aspirations, using their combined talents to create a relationship built on trust, communication, and mutual growth.

For individuals who are single and seeking love, The Magician card offers a powerful message of empowerment. It symbolises the importance of self-confidence, self-belief, and taking initiative. The Magician encourages singles to embrace their power and use their natural charm and charisma to attract meaningful connections. It signifies a time of new beginnings and opportunities. It advises individuals to take action and be proactive in their pursuit of love. The Magician reminds singles that they can manifest the love they desire by aligning their thoughts, intentions, and actions.

Ultimately, The Magician card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the potential for transformation, manifestation, and personal growth in relationships. Whether already in a partnership or single and seeking love, The Magician encourages individuals to harness their inner power and tap into their unique talents. It reminds us that we hold the key to creating the love we desire by aligning our thoughts, actions, and intentions. The Magician serves as a reminder that we can manifest our dreams and desires when we believe in ourselves and tap into our inner magic.

2 The High Priestess in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

The High Priestess in Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

The High Priestess is a powerful and enigmatic card in love and romance tarot readings. The symbolism evokes intuition, mystery, and deep inner wisdom. When it comes to relationships, the High Priestess signifies a time of introspection and inner exploration. For those in a relationship, this card suggests the need to trust and follow their instincts. It encourages partners to communicate on a deeper emotional and spiritual level. The High Priestess reminds couples to honour the mystery and sacredness of their connection.

In the realm of being single and looking for love, the High Priestess card represents a time of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. It advises individuals to listen to their inner voice and trust their intuition when it comes to potential partners. The High Priestess encourages singles to embrace their own wisdom and inner knowing, aligning themselves with their true desires. It suggests that a meaningful romantic connection can be found when one remains attuned to their spiritual path and embraces authenticity. The High Priestess reminds singles to be patient and trust that the right person will come along, aligning with their soul’s journey.

Overall, the High Priestess card in love and romance tarot readings highlights the importance of intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual connection. Whether in a relationship or single and searching, this card invites individuals to delve deeper into their souls and trust the guidance that arises from within. It encourages partners to communicate on a soul level and honour the sacredness of their bond. For those seeking love, the High Priestess advises aligning with one’s spiritual path and trusting the journey, knowing that true love will arrive in divine timing.

3 The Empress in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

The Empress Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

The Empress is a card that exudes the energy of abundance, nurturing, and fertility in love and romance tarot readings. In the context of a relationship, The Empress signifies a time of deep emotional connection and nurturing. It represents the flourishing of love, with partners nurturing and supporting each other. The Empress emphasises the importance of creating a harmonious and nurturing environment where both partners can thrive. It encourages partners to express their love and appreciation for each other and to prioritise the emotional well-being of the relationship.

For those who are single and looking for love, The Empress card brings a message of self-love and embracing one’s own feminine or nurturing qualities. It suggests that the key to attracting a meaningful romantic connection lies in nurturing oneself first. The Empress advises individuals to cultivate a loving and nurturing relationship with themselves, which will magnetically attract a partner who appreciates and values their authentic self. It encourages singles to embrace their natural sensuality and to radiate confidence in their feminine power.

Overall, The Empress card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the importance of nurturing and emotional abundance in relationships. Whether in a partnership or single and seeking love, this card encourages individuals to cultivate a loving and nurturing mindset. It reminds them to prioritise their emotional well-being and to express love and gratitude for themselves and their partners. The Empress symbolises the potential for a fulfilling and harmonious connection built on love, care, and support.

4 The Emperor in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

The Emperor Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

The Emperor card holds significant meaning in love and romance tarot readings, symbolising stability, structure, and authority. In the context of a relationship, the Emperor represents a sense of security and strength. Positively aspected, it signifies a partnership where both individuals can rely on each other for support. The Emperor advises couples to establish clear boundaries and maintain a balanced power dynamic within their connection. It encourages partners to take on leadership roles and make informed decisions together for the benefit of the relationship.

For those who are single and looking for love, the Emperor card suggests the importance of finding a partner who embodies qualities such as stability and reliability. It encourages individuals to seek a potential love interest who exudes confidence and takes ownership of their lives. The Emperor reminds singles to assert their independence and not settle for anything less than a partner who values commitment and provides a sense of security. It encourages them to approach dating with a discerning mindset, ensuring that they align themselves with someone who appreciates their strength and leadership.

In summary, the Emperor card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the presence of stability, structure, and authority in relationships. Whether already in a partnership or single and seeking love, this card urges individuals to prioritise qualities such as reliability and leadership. For couples, it emphasises the importance of establishing boundaries and maintaining a balanced power dynamic. For singles, it encourages them to seek a partner who embodies the qualities of the Emperor, ensuring a stable and fulfilling romantic connection.

5 The Hierophant in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

The Hierophant Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

The Hierophant is a card that holds profound significance in love and romance tarot readings, signifying tradition, commitment, and spiritual guidance. When it comes to relationships, the Hierophant represents a deep connection based on shared values and mutual understanding. For those already in a relationship, this card suggests a partnership that is grounded in tradition and a commitment to a higher purpose. It signifies a time of stability, loyalty, and deepening commitment within the relationship.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the Hierophant card advises embracing the importance of finding a partner who shares similar values and beliefs. It symbolises the need to seek a connection that is rooted in a strong spiritual or philosophical foundation. The Hierophant encourages singles to align themselves with potential love interests who are willing to commit and respect their values. It suggests seeking a relationship that goes beyond superficial connections and focuses on the deeper meaning and purpose of love. Singles are guided to explore their spiritual journey. Trust that the right person, someone who shares your core values, will come into your life at the appropriate time.

Overall, the Hierophant card in love and romance tarot readings highlights the significance of tradition, commitment, and spiritual growth in relationships. Whether in an existing partnership or single and seeking love, the Hierophant invites individuals to seek connections that align with their values and beliefs. It guides couples to seek wisdom from trusted sources to nurture their bond. Singles do best to search for a partner who shares their deeper spiritual or religious connection.

6 The Lovers in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

The Lovers Angelic Tarot Card Meanings

As the card title, The Lovers, suggests, it represents a deep and soulful connection between two individuals, symbolising unity, harmony, and the power of love. The Lovers card carries a message of choice and alignment. It highlights the importance of making conscious decisions based on love and emotional connection.

In the context of an existing partnership, The Lovers card signifies a profound love bond. This card encourages couples to prioritise open and honest communication, as well as emotional vulnerability. The Lovers card advises partners to make choices that strengthen their union. It reminds them to nurture the love they share and make decisions based on the greater good of their relationship.

For those who are single and seeking love, The Lovers card brings an important message of self-love and alignment. It suggests the need to align oneself with their true desires and values before entering into a new relationship. This card reminds singles not to settle for anything less than a deep and meaningful connection based on love and shared values.

Overall, The Lovers card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the power of love, choice, and alignment. Whether in a relationship or single and seeking love, this card emphasises the importance of making conscious choices based on love and emotional connection.

7 The Chariot in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

The Chariot Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

The Chariot Card in love and romance tarot readings embodies themes of determination, control, and forward movement. Its symbolism suggests that in matters of the heart, The Chariot signifies a period of asserting control and pushing forward towards relationship goals. Whether in a partnership or single and seeking love, this card offers guidance and encouragement for both scenarios.

In the context of an existing partnership, The Chariot card signifies the need for both partners to work together as a team to overcome challenges. It symbolises the power of determination and the ability to navigate obstacles. The Chariot advises couples to set common goals and communicate clearly to maintain a strong and harmonious bond. It encourages them to embrace their shared ambitions and work towards them with a spirit of unity and determination. This card reminds partners that by staying focused and supporting each other, they can overcome any difficulties and emerge victorious in their relationship journey.

For those who are single and looking for love, The Chariot card brings a message of empowerment and taking control of one’s romantic destiny. It symbolises the need to focus on personal growth and development to attract a fulfilling and harmonious relationship. The Chariot advises individuals to have a clear vision of their ideal partner and to actively pursue opportunities that align with their desires.

Overall, The Chariot Card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the importance of determination, control, and forward movement in relationships. Whether already in a partnership or single and seeking love, this card carries a message of empowerment and unity.

8 Strength in Love and Romance Tarot Readings

Strength Tarot Card Majors Only Love Tarot

The Strength Tarot card signifies a deep and enduring connection based on inner strength, compassion, playfulness and the gentle power of love. In the context of a partnership, the Strength card suggests that the key to a harmonious and fulfilling relationship lies in the ability to embrace vulnerability and approach challenges with kindness and understanding. It encourages both partners to embody qualities such as patience, resilience, and emotional fortitude. The Strength card advises couples to trust in the power of loving-kindness to overcome any obstacles.

For those who are single and seeking love, the Strength card offers a powerful message of self-love, compassion and inner strength. It suggests that the path to finding a meaningful romantic connection begins with embracing one’s worth and authenticity. The Strength card reminds singles that true strength lies in vulnerability and the courage to be fully themselves. A playful approach to dating is beneficial. This card reminds singles not to settle for anything less than a partner who cherishes and honours their unique nature.

The Strength card in love and romance tarot readings embodies the essence of loving-kindness, compassion, and inner strength. Whether in a relationship or single and seeking love, this card serves as a reminder to embody qualities such as patience, courage, and vulnerability. It emphasises the importance of a playful, compassionate and creative approach to relationships. The Strength card teaches us that true love begins within ourselves. By embracing our inner power, we can manifest a deep and lasting connection built on love, understanding, and devotion.

9 The Hermit in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Hermit in Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

Perhaps not the most romantic card of all, The Hermit Card suggests a time of introspection and soul-searching. For couples, this card signifies a need for individual space and reflection within the partnership. It encourages partners to take a step back and focus on their personal growth and self-discovery. The Hermit card advises couples to honour each other’s need for solitude and introspection. It reminds partners that to have a strong and fulfilling relationship, each individual must cultivate their inner light.

For those who are single and looking for love, the Hermit card brings a message of self-reflection and personal growth. It signifies a period of introspection and solitude, where individuals are encouraged to delve deep within themselves to discover their truth and desires. The Hermit advises singles to take the time to understand themselves fully before seeking a committed relationship. It reminds them that true love begins with self-love and self-awareness. This card encourages singles to embrace their solitude and trust that by aligning with their authentic selves, they will attract a partner who resonates with their true nature.

Overall, the Hermit card in love and romance tarot readings highlights the importance of introspection, solitude, and self-discovery in relationships. It reminds individuals to honour their inner light and cultivate their personal growth. The Hermit teaches us that by embracing solitude and introspection, we can create a strong foundation for love and attract relationships that align with our deepest desires.

10 The Wheel of Fortune in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Wheel of Fortune in Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

When it comes to matters of the heart, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card brings a message of change, destiny, and cycles in love and romance tarot readings. This card represents the ever-changing nature of relationships and reminds us that love is a journey filled with ups and downs.

For those already in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune signifies a period of transition and transformation. This card suggests that there may be shifts in the dynamics of the relationship or changes in circumstances that will require adaptation and flexibility. It reminds partners that life is unpredictable, and they must navigate the highs and lows together. This card serves as a reminder to communicate openly and make conscious choices to steer the relationship in a positive direction.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the Wheel of Fortune card offers a message of hope and new beginnings. When well-aspected, it represents the wheel turning in your favour. There is potential for exciting and unexpected encounters. This card advises singles to embrace the changes and opportunities that come their way. Be open to the possibilities that the universe presents. The Wheel of Fortune reminds individuals to keep a positive mindset, trust in divine timing, and be willing to take risks in matters of the heart.

11 Justice in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

Justice Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

The Justice tarot card embodies fairness, balance, and truth in love and romance tarot readings. In the context of a relationship, Justice signifies the need for equality, respect, and open communication. This card suggests that partners must strive for fairness, ensuring that both individuals have their needs and desires heard and met. It encourages couples to address any imbalances or conflicts with honesty and integrity, seeking resolutions that serve the highest good of the relationship. Justice reminds partners to make decisions based on mutual understanding and respect.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the Justice card brings a message of seeking equilibrium and harmony within oneself before entering into a new relationship. It advises singles to evaluate their core values and what they seek in a partner. The Justice card encourages individuals to seek a potential partner who shares their values and ideals, ensuring a solid foundation for a balanced and fulfilling connection. It reminds singles to trust the process of divine justice and to have faith that the right person will come along at the right time.

Overall, the Justice Card in love and romance tarot readings emphasises the importance of fairness, balance, and integrity in relationships. It can also indicate a deepening commitment where the time has come to make marriage vows. The Justice card advises partners to strive for equality and singles to seek a partner who aligns with their core values.

12 The Hanged Man in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Hanged Man Angelic Tarot

The Hanged Man is a deeply introspective and transformative card in love and romance tarot readings. Its symbolism suggests the need to let go of old patterns to make room for a new, more heart-centred perspective.

When it comes to relationships, the Hanged Man urges those in a partnership to embrace the idea of surrender, trust, and letting go of control. It signifies a period of reflection and sacrifice for the greater good of the relationship. The Hanged Man advises couples to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to be patient as they navigate through any stagnant or difficult phases. It encourages partners to release any expectations or attachments. It inspires faith that the necessary transformations will bring about renewal and a more loving relationship.

For individuals who are single and looking, the Hanged Man card brings a message of surrendering to the love within. It advises singles that by releasing any attachments to a specific outcome, they will attract the right partner who aligns with their true self. The Hanged Man reminds singles that true love begins with self-love and self-reflection. It encourages them to embrace this period of waiting and release karma through forgiveness. By letting go of old expectations and opening themselves up to new experiences, singles can create space for a meaningful romantic connection.

Overall, the Hanged Man card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the importance of forgiveness, surrender, self-reflection, and personal growth in love relationships. This card serves as a reminder to release control and attachment to outcomes.

13 Death in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

Death Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

The Death tarot card can seem ominous. However, this card signifies necessary endings and rebirth. It offers wisdom and insight for both established relationships and those who are single and seeking love.

For those in a relationship, the Death card suggests a period of transformation and shedding of old patterns that no longer serve the relationship. This card encourages couples to embrace change and allow space for personal and relational rebirth. Through the process of letting go, a deeper, more authentic connection can emerge, as both individuals grow together and embrace the new possibilities that arise.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the Death card represents a significant turning point in their romantic journey. It signifies the need to release past attachments, old patterns, and beliefs that may be holding them back from finding true love. This card invites singles to embrace personal transformation and allow themselves to be reborn into a new chapter of their romantic lives.

Overall, the Death Card in love and romance tarot readings symbolises necessary endings. So yes, it can mean the end of the relationship. The Death Card reminds individuals that through endings, new beginnings can arise, offering the opportunity for greater love, growth, and connection in their romantic lives.

14 Temperance in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

Temperance in Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

For those in a relationship, the Temperance card signifies the importance of finding balance and harmony within the partnership. It suggests that both partners bring unique qualities and energies to the relationship that can be blended to create a harmonious and fulfilling connection. This card encourages couples to embrace compromise, seek a joint vision for the future, and open communication. By finding a middle ground, partners can create a stable and loving environment where both individuals can thrive and grow together.

To those single and looking for love, the Temperance card brings a message of finding balance within oneself before entering into a new relationship. It advises singles to embrace their unique energies and to seek a partner who complements and enhances their realities. The Temperance card reminds individuals to be patient and trust in divine timing. This card encourages singles to envision what they truly desire in a future partner and to not settle for less.

Overall, the Temperance card in love and romance tarot readings signifies the need for balance, harmony, and open communication in relationships. Temperance reminds individuals to embrace compromise and find a middle ground that allows for the blending of energies.

15 The Devil in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Devil in Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

In love and romance tarot readings, The Devil card holds complex and profound meanings. When it appears in the context of a relationship, the Devil signifies a relationship that may be filled with intense passion, desire and obsessive attachments. It also serves as a warning to be cautious of codependency or unhealthy patterns that may arise in the relationship.

The Devil advises lovers to confront any toxic dynamics or addictions that may be present. Doing so offers an opportunity for growth, transformation and liberation. It can also be a sign that the relationship is so toxic and abusive that it is time to leave.

For individuals who are single and seeking love, the Devil card brings a message of self-reflection and self-awareness. In this context, the Devil card advises singles to examine any patterns of codependency or destructive behaviour that may have hindered their past relationships. It urges individuals to break free from unhealthy attachments that no longer serve them. It can also be a sign for a single person to turn and run the other way. For instance, if they meet someone who looks good on the surface but who is not what they appear to be.

The Devil card in love and romance tarot readings holds a potent and multi-layered message for both relationships and singles. It serves as a reminder to confront and overcome any negative patterns or attachments into healthier, more balanced connections.

16 The Tower in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Tower in Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

When The Tower card appears in a reading, it signifies an imminent and unexpected transformation within the partnership. The Tower represents a drastic upheaval that may shake the foundation of the relationship. It’s the thunderbolt from a clear blue sky that forces both partners to confront deep-seated issues and break free from stagnation. It can be a challenging period, but the Tower reminds couples that through the chaos, there is an opportunity for growth and renewal. It offers a chance to rebuild the relationship on a stronger and more authentic level.

For those who are single and seeking love, the Tower card brings a profound message of change and liberation. It indicates that unexpected and transformative events are on the horizon, which may completely disrupt your romantic life. It can also indicate falling madly head over heels in love.

The Tower card in love and romance tarot readings signifies profound and unexpected change. Whether in a relationship or single and seeking love, this card brings a message of renewal and transformation. For couples, it encourages facing difficult truths and navigating the upheaval together to create a more solid foundation. For singles, the Tower advises letting go of past obstacles and embracing the unknown, as it opens the door for new and more fulfilling romantic experiences.

17 The Star in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Star Angelic Tarot

The Star card in love and romance tarot readings carries a message of hope, healing, and renewal. It symbolises a guiding light during challenging times, offering reassurance and encouragement on the path to love and romance.

For those in a relationship, the Star card signifies a period of healing and renewed optimism. It represents a deep connection filled with trust, hope, and emotional support. This card encourages partners to communicate their dreams and aspirations. The Star advises couples to embrace vulnerability and be open to receiving and giving love. It reminds lovers that the best romantic relationships are built on a firm foundation of friendship. Ultimately, the Star card signifies a relationship that offers a sense of comfort, alignment and a shared sense of hope for the future.

The Star card advises singles to remain hopeful and to let go of past hurts and disappointments. It encourages individuals to align with their authentic selves and to follow their dreams and aspirations. The Star reminds singles to have faith in the universe’s plan and to stay open to unexpected opportunities for love.

Overall, the Star card in love and romance tarot readings signifies hope, healing, and renewed optimism. Whether in a partnership or single and seeking love, this card encourages individuals to embrace their inner light and to trust in the transformative power of love.

18 The Moon in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Moon corresponding with Pisces

The Moon card in love and romance tarot readings holds a mysterious and powerful energy. It symbolises deep emotions and the unconscious mind. The Moon card signifies that there may be hidden emotions or fears impacting the connection. This card advises partners to explore their deepest feelings and communicate with openness and vulnerability. The Moon urges couples to embrace sensitivity and intuition when navigating the complexities of their relationship.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the Moon card brings a message of self-reflection and introspection. This card suggests that it’s essential to explore and understand one’s worries, fears, and emotional patterns. Failing to do so before entering into a new relationship can lead to karmic lessons on repeat. The Moon encourages singles to trust their intuition when choosing a potential partner. It becomes extra important to pay attention to any subtle cues or gut feelings that may arise. Now is not the time to rush anything.

The Moon card in love and romance tarot readings represents the mysteries of the subconscious mind. It reminds individuals in a relationship to explore their emotions and communicate with vulnerability. For those who are single and seeking love, the Moon advises self-reflection and listening to one’s intuition when choosing a potential partner. The Moon card serves as a reminder that genuine connections are strengthened when we honour the light and shadow within ourselves and our relationships.

19 The Sun in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The Sun Majors Only Love Tarot

The Sun card is a radiant symbol of joy, positivity, and vitality in love and romance tarot readings. Its presence signifies a period of abundant happiness and fulfilment matters of the heart. The Sun represents the blossoming of love and the warmth that comes with being in a loving relationship or attracting a new romantic connection.

In the context of an existing relationship, the Sun card brings forth an energy of sheer bliss and contentment. It signifies a period of deep emotional connection and harmony between partners. This card invites couples to embrace the joy and warmth that comes from being in each other’s presence. It encourages lovers to bask in the love and appreciation they have for one another. This is an excellent time for lovers to express their affection openly. The Sun card reminds partners to nurture and celebrate the playful and passionate aspects of their relationship.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the Sun card offers a message of hope. It signifies a period of personal growth that will ultimately lead to attracting a loving romantic connection with the Right One. The Sun card advises singles to embrace their authentic selves and radiate positivity and confidence. It reminds them to engage in activities that bring them joy and surround themselves with uplifting people. This card encourages singles to trust that love will come their way when they embody their true essence and radiate their inner light.

The Sun card reminds us that love is a beautiful and transformative journey, and when we embody the essence of our true selves, we attract love and happiness into our lives.

20 Judgement in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

Judgement in Majors Only Love Tarot Readings

In the context of an existing partnership, the Judgement card represents a period of healing and transformation. It signifies a time of awakening, where both partners are called to account for their actions and make amends if necessary. This card invites couples to be open and honest with each other, addressing any unresolved issues and offering forgiveness and understanding. The Judgement card urges lovers to embrace a fresh start and let go of past resentments, allowing the relationship to evolve into a deeper and more authentic connection.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the Judgement card can signal a sliding-door moment. Will you let your past dictate your future or are you able to see what is actually in front of you? The Judgement card advises singles to let go of any guilt or self-judgement from past experiences, embracing a renewed sense of self and opening themselves up to new romantic possibilities. It assures them that the Universe is bringing forth the opportunity for a fresh start and the possibility of a transformative and fulfilling romantic connection.

Whether in a relationship or single and seeking love, this card invites individuals to reflect on their actions and make conscious choices that align with their true selves. The Judgement card teaches us that by drawing a line under the past with gratitude for past lessons, we can create a solid foundation for love and allow for the growth and evolution of our relationships.

21 The World in Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

The World card in love and romance tarot readings is a powerful symbol of completion, wholeness, and ultimate fufulfilmentIt is one of the Karmic Cards. When it comes to relationships, the World card represents a time of profound satisfaction, where partners have reached a new level of understanding. This card suggests that the relationship is in a state of balance and harmony, with both individuals experiencing a deep sense of contentment and joy. However, since The World symbolises endings and new beginnings, it can also mean the ending of a relationship, especially together with XIII Death and XV The Devil.

For individuals who are single and looking for love, the World card brings a message of a need for wholeness within oneself. It signifies that the individual is ready to attain, or has attained, a state of deep self-acceptance. The World card advises singles to approach potential romantic connections from a place of self-assuredness and confidence. It encourages them to embrace their completeness and to trust that the right person will enter their lives at the right time. From a more mundane point of view, The World can signify meeting someone who lives far away.

Overall, The World card serves as a joyful and reassuring reminder that love and fulfilment are within reach. By embracing our wholeness, we can create and attract deep and meaningful connections. Everything we need for happiness in life and love is within.

3 Simple Majors Only Love Tarot Spreads

three simple majors only love tarot spreads

1. Love Guidance – 3-Card Majors Only Love Tarot Spread

  1. Represents how receptive you are to love.
  2. Reflects the qualities or actions you need to embrace to cultivate a healthy and loving relationship.
  3. Reveals the potential joys and positive outcomes you can experience in love if you follow the guidance of the previous cards.

2. Relationship Potential – 3-Card Majors Only Love Tarot Spread

  1. Represents the strengths and qualities that you bring to a relationship.
  2. Reflects the qualities and attributes you seek in a potential partner.
  3. Reveals the potential outcome or overall compatibility between you and a potential partner.

3. The Path to Love – 3-Card Majors Only Love Tarot Spread

  1. Represents your current approach to love and relationships.
  2. Reflects the challenges or obstacles you may encounter on your path to love.
  3. Reveals the potential outcome or the ultimate fulfilment of your love journey.

The Cupid Majors Only Love Tarot Spread

This six-card Majors Only Love Tarot spread offers a comprehensive exploration of the relationship dynamics. It is a little bit more advanced than the three-card spreads above. But if you take your time and use the Tarot card meanings guide included in this post, you will gain valuable insights. You can also click on the links of individual cards for even more in-depth card meanings.

The Cupid Majors Only Love Tarot Spread

Card 1: The Start of New Adventure

This card represents the initial energy or foundation of the relationship. It reveals the sense of adventure and new beginnings that brought the two of you together.

Card 2: The Emotional Connection

This card represents the deep emotional connection between you and your partner. It sheds light on the underlying romantic and passionate energy within the relationship.

Card 3: Power Dynamics

This card represents the dynamics of power and control within the relationship. It explores how both partners assert their authority or take on leadership roles.

Card 4: The Unknown

This card dives into the subconscious and unknown aspects of the relationship. It uncovers the deeper, hidden dynamics that influence the relationship.

Card 5: The Shared Vision

This card represents the direction and goals of the relationship. It reveals the driving force that propels both partners forward and indicates how well they are working together to achieve common objectives.

Card 6: The Potential

This card signifies the culmination and potential outcome of the relationship. It sheds light on the overall fulfilment that can be achieved by both partners if they navigate the relationship dynamics effectively.

Remember to trust your intuition and interpret the cards in a way that resonates with your experiences and circumstances.

More Love Tarot Spreads

Want more love tarot spreads? Check this page out, with dozens of FREE love and relationship tarot spreads.


In this comprehensive guide to Majors Only Love Tarot Readings, we explored the profound meanings behind each of the 22 Major Arcana cards and their significance in matters of love and relationships. We discussed simple 3-card spreads and the more advanced Cupid spread. I hope this guide provides valuable insights and guidance whether you are a beginner or an experienced tarot enthusiast.

When you are ready to include the Minor Arcana, there is another in-depth Angelorum guide for you HERE.

Trust in the ability of the tarot to act as a mirror of your soul and your relationships and allow love to illuminate your path!

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