rune and angel correspondences

Rune and Angel Correspondences with Three Simple Rituals

rune and angel correspondences

I’m always fine-tuning my correspondence lists based on what I learn and how my connection to the symbolism and energy of the beings I work with deepens. In today’s post, I’m sharing where I’m at regarding rune and angel correspondences. The runes listed below are from the Elder Futhark. If you are new to the runes, check THIS POST out first.

Some of you might wonder why anybody would want to merge the angels with the runes. I come from the perspective that the angels are much older than monotheistic religion and represent forces that can be seen as aspects or messengers of the creator forces (deities) that are behind everything that exists. I believe in one source (prime creator) of the aforementioned forces but I find that source inaccessible in terms of day-to-day interactions. Perhaps the creator forces (or emanations) are the interface we are meant to use. I’m okay with it being a mystery but I would very much like a definitive answer. Maybe one day, eh?

In my practice, I have had no problem with joining the angels and runes in practical ways and I will provide some examples of how to do just that below. But first, let’s take a look at the angelic correspondences for each of the 24 Elder Futhark runes. You may notice that some angels are repeated and that I associate Archangel Michael with three runes. That is due to Michael’s role as protector of the earth realm, where he is very much like the Norse God Thor.

Go to the Angelic Rune Rituals

Honouring the Ancestors

At the time of writing this article (October 2024), we are in the run-up to Samhain which means I’m thinking a lot about the ancestors and how to best honour them. How can I honour both Christian and Pagan ancestors? I believe that combining the angels with the runes is one way of doing just that. While the angels are pre-monotheistic, the names they retain in the Western Mystery Tradition are Judeo-Christian.

My spiritual practice is in a state of flux but I’m leaning more and more toward Heathenry for the nature aspect and being connected to the spirits of the land. That said, I’m not willing to let go of my angel companions since they fill a vital function in my daily practice. Perhaps it doesn’t have to be one or the other. After all, when my native Sweden was converted (by force) to Christianity, many of my ancestors kept practising the Old Ways alongside their new Christian faith. I can almost hear them whisper, ‘Do what works!’

Rune and Angel Correspondences

Freyja’s Aett

Fehu (ᚠ) – Archangel Ariel: Abundance, wealth, prosperity

Uruz (ᚢ) – Archangel Michael: Strength, courage, vitality

Thurisaz (ᚦ) – Archangel Samael: Protection, defense, courage

Ansuz (ᚨ) – Archangel Raphael: Communication, wisdom, healing

Raidho (ᚱ) – Archangel Metatron: Journey, cosmic order, movement

Kenaz (ᚲ) – Archangel Raziel: Illumination, knowledge, creativity

Gebo (ᚷ) – Archangel Chamuel: Partnership, exchange, sacred union

Wunjo (ᚹ) – Archangel Jophiel: Joy, harmony, beauty

Heimdall’s Aett

Hagalaz (ᚺ) – Archangel Cassiel (Aquarius aspect): Disruption, transformation, radical change

Nauthiz (ᚾ) – Archangel Cassiel (Capricorn aspect): Necessity, endurance, constraint

Isa (ᛁ) – Archangel Gabriel: Stillness, introspection, emotions

Jera (ᛃ) – Torquaret, Angel of the Harvest/Autumn: Cycles, harvest, manifestation

Eihwaz (ᛇ)Archangel Azrael: Death, rebirth, transformation

Perthro (ᛈ)Archangel Gabriel: Mystery, hidden knowledge, divination

Algiz (ᛉ) – Archangel Zadkiel: Psychic protection, higher self, spiritual awakening

Sowilo (ᛊ) – Archangel Michael: Success, guidance, illumination

Tyr’s Aett

Tiwaz (ᛏ) – Archangel Sariel: Justice, honour, leadership

Berkana (ᛒ) – Archangel Anael: Growth, fertility, nurturing

Ehwaz (ᛖ) – Archangel Raphael: Movement, progress, partnerships

Mannaz (ᛗ) – Archangel Raguel: Humanity, social order, intelligence

Laguz (ᛚ) – Archangel Gabriel: Flow, intuition, emotions

Ingwaz (ᛜ) – Archangel Sandalphon: Fertility, potential, completion

Dagaz (ᛞ) – Archangel Michael: Breakthrough, awareness, clarity

Othala (ᛟ) – Archangel Uriel: Inheritance, ancestry, tradition

These correspondences are based on the shared energetic qualities and attributes commonly associated with both the runes and the archangels. While not universally established, they offer an intriguing perspective for those interested in exploring connections between runic and angelic energies.

Combining Rune and Angel Correspondences in Your Practice

angelic rune ritual with uruz and archangel michael

Below I share three simple and practical examples of how to combine rune and angel correspondences in your morning practice. All three rituals are minimalist and require no tools. You can draw the rune with anointing oil, holy water, a pen, or just your finger. If you choose to use a pen, you can play with colours and see which is the best fit for the energy you wish to manifest. Activate the rune by chanting the rune name three or nine times. At the end of the day, simply wash the rune off.

Rune and Angel Ritual for Strength and Vitality

  • Draw the Uruz rune on the inside of the wrist of your left or non-dominant hand.
  • Say an invocation to Archangel Michael, using the prayer below or your own words:

Blessed Archangel Michael, grant me strength and vitality today so I might do my work for the Highest Good and in a way that honours the ancestors. Amen and so it is!

Rune and Angel Ritual for Spreading Joy

  • Draw the Wunjo rune on the inside of the wrist of your right or dominant hand.
  • Invoke the assistance of Archangel Jophiel with the prayer below (or use your own words):

Blessed Archangel Jophiel, may I be a light in the world today. Grant me the ability to spread joy into the hearts of every single person that I come in contact with. Amen and so it is!

Rune and Angel Ritual for Prosperity

  • Draw the Fehu rune on the inside of both wrists.
  • Say the following angel prayer to Archangel Ariel (or use your own words):

Blessed Archangel Ariel, thank you for helping me stay open to opportunities for growth, abundance and prosperity today. Please help me find new ways to share my abundance with those in need so that the divine flow of abundance becomes a mighty river of light in the world today. Amen and so it is!

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